Cleaner, Directorate Operational Property Management And Housekeeping X15 Positions

Cleaner, Directorate Operational Property Management And Housekeeping X15 Positions

CLOSING DATE: 18 November 2025 at 16H00
SALARY :R73 044 per annum, Level 02
CENTRE:Motheo/Xhariep -5 Posts (Ref No:
PWI 16/40)
Fezile Dabi/Lejweleputswa -5 Posts (Ref No: PWI 16/41)
Thabo Mofutsanyana : 5 Posts (Ref No: PWI16/42)
To ensure general cleanliness of the office buildings and create a conducive working environment. To provide other services as required. To ensure that waste items are removed inside and outside the buildings on a daily basis. Attend to other
31 related cleaning duties as may be allocated by supervisor. Perform cleaning services of a routine nature by utilizing a variety of aids (dusters, brooms, vacuum cleaners, polishers etc.) to ensure a high level of hygiene in the offices. Empty dustbins. Wash crockery and cutlery of Component and officials. Dust furniture in offices. Vacuum carpets. Sweep offices. Polish furniture. Sweep corridors and vacant offices. Wash windows/walls. Clean and keep toilets tidy. Place toilet rolls
and soap. Clean and keep kitchen tidy. Place water and crockery for meetings in venue/s. Clean meeting venue/s

How to Apply
ENQUIRIES :Ms S Magashule,
Director Operational Property Management and Housekeeping
Tel no: (051) 410 7538
APPLICATIONS: Head: Public Works and Infrastructure, Human Resources Management Directorate. P.O Box 7551, Bloemfontein 9300 OR Applications that are hand delivered must be brought at the Foyer of OR Tambo House where they must beplaced in the appropriately marked box at: Security Ground Floor, OR Tambo House, St. Andrews Street, Bloemfontein. * No applications will be accepted by staff in offices in the building.