CPUT Benefits The Most From Services SETA Bursaries 2024

CPUT Benefits The Most From Services SETA Bursaries 2024

CONGRATULATIONS: CPUT students this year constituted the largest group of beneficiaries of Services SETA bursariesCONGRATULATIONS: CPUT students this year constituted the largest group of beneficiaries of Services SETA bursaries

The Services Sector Education and Training Authority (Services SETA) has awarded 265 bursaries to CPUT students for the current academic year, making CPUT students the largest group of beneficiaries of this SETA nationwide.
“We pride ourselves as a sector skills and training authority in meeting the needs of students and ensuring that new entrants to the labour market are adequately trained,” Bursary Manager, Basani Sithole, told the students.
“It is your responsibility to pass your studies and enhance the skills of the current workforce and alleviate poverty in our communities.”
The partnership between CPUT and the SETA started in 2024 when 10 students from Khayelitsha were awarded bursaries.  In 2024 another 10 students from Mitchells Plain were funded and in 2024 that number increased exponentially to 265. The SETA says it is eager to continue funding CPUT students in 2024.
The students applied directly to the SETA. The bursaries were awarded to both part-time and full-time students with the former getting a maximum of R35 000, which covers tuition fees and books, while the latter got R60 000 for tuition fees, books, meals and accommodation.
The role of the SETA is to ensure that the skill requirements of the services sector are identified and that adequate and appropriate skills are readily available.  The Services SETA contributes to the improvement of sector skills by ensuring that education and training is provided for the citizens of South Africa.
Written by Kwanele ButanaTel: +27 21 959 6916
Email: butanak@cput.ac.za
Provides coverage for the Business and Education Faculties, Student Affairs Department and Cape Town and Mowbray Campuses.