All CPUT Campuses Reopen on Wednesday 18 October 2024

All CPUT Campuses Reopen on Wednesday 18 October 2024

CLOSED: All CPUT campuses will reopen next week
A decision has now been taken to resume normal institutional activities on Wednesday 18 October across all CPUT campuses.
Staff are asked to work remotely, where possible, and to remain on standby so that urgent work related matters can be attended to. The safety concerns of parents, staff and students have not fallen on deaf ears and management continues to actively engage with all stakeholders to finally bring an end to the disruptions and  violence. Today a meeting between management and stakeholders started at 1pm and we are positive that proactive results will be yielded from that.
Everything possible to secure  the safety of students and staff, as well as their property and university infrastructure is being done, this extends to stabilising all residences. We remain confident that the academic year will be completed successfully and for that reason ask all students living in residences  not to go home prematurely.