CSIR Bursaries For 2024 Academic Year

CSIR Bursaries For 2024 Academic Year

The CSIR bursary programme financially supports full-time, unemployed students in obtaining qualifications in areas that are deemed a priority by the CSIR.

  • Unemployed students studying full-time
  • BSc, B Eng, BSc Honours or B Tech, MSc and PhD
Criteria  CriteriaCurrent Grade 12

  • South African citizen
  • Must intend to enrol full-time for the degree of choice at a South African public university
  • English (Level 5)
  • Mathematics (Level 6)
  • Physical Science (Level 6)

Current university students

  • South African citizen
  • Must be enrolled full-time towards the degree of choice at a South African public university
Bursary covers  Financial support

  • Registration fees
  • Tuition fees
  • Book allowance
  • Laptop allowance
  • Accommodation
  • Meal allowance
  • Living allowance

Non-financial support

  • Annual induction, vacation work, visits at the university and an annual social event
Obligations  You are obligated to work back every year that the CSIR has funded
How to apply  The 2024 call for Bursary Applications has not been advertised yet. Please monitor the website for advert details.
Contact details For more information on the CSIR bursary, please email Khuliswa Jakuja on kjakuja@csir.co.za or +27 12 841 2665.