CUT commemorates World IP day
On 25 April 2025, the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) in partnership with CUT innovation services (CUTis) commemorated World Intellectual Property (IP) Day. This year’s theme: “Powering change: Women in innovation and creativity” celebrates the brilliance, ingenuity, curiosity and courage of women who are driving change in the world and shaping the future. The purpose of the event is to highlight how the IP system can focus its support for innovative and creative women in their quest to bring their amazing ideas to market.
Intellectual Property plays a vital role within Universities of Technology as research, technology and inventions created at universities have immense economic and societal benefits. At CUT the Technology and Transfer Unit is responsible for the facilitation of the transfer of new technology, irrespective of the field of application, to business and industry while the Technology and Innovation unit is supporting staff and students with the protection of intellectual property by providing incubation facilities and commercialisation support.
The event programme honoured the theme this year with powerful women sharing their incredible and inspiring stories about their research, ideas and inventions. They shared their journeys with the expectation of encouraging more women to engage in innovation and creativity. The women who delivered presentations include CUT’s Dr Ntsoaki Malebo, Dr Ida Manduna, Ms Monica Tenene, Ms Kelebogile Mchunu, Ms Precious Tekheli, Prof. Muthoni Masinde, and from the student entrepreneurial group Enactus, Ms Petro De Wet, Ms Euodia Naanyane-Bouwer, Ms Tshimangadzo Munyai and Mrs Yogani Reddy.
Ms Tshimangadzo Munyai from the National Intellectual Property Management Office (NIPMO) said that the theme places the focus on women in terms of cultural attitudes, behaviours and biological characteristics. “The theme is to celebrate women’s contribution to new creation through life-enhancing creations that transform lives and advance human understanding.”
Ms Tshimangadzo Munyai from the National Intellectual Property Management Office (NIPMO) delivering a presentation on IP in South Africa.