CUT NC(V) and N Qualifications For Admission

CUT NC(V) and N Qualifications For Admission

The admission requirements for NC(V) Level 4 and traditional N qualifications (N3, N4, N5 and N6) create articulation and clear pathways for FET/TVET college students seeking to enrol in career-focused university programmes in the field of study for which they hold an FET qualification, particularly in scarce skills areas such as Engineering, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Business/Finance and Education.
As documented in this prospectus, our programmes are underpinned by our vision and will enable prospective students to meet national, business and industry needs.
Minimum statutory requirements for NC(V) 4 Level students

  • Candidates must meet the minimum statutory requirements for students in possession of an NC(V) 4 qualification, as set out in Government Gazette no. 32743 of 26 November 2006, to be eligible for admission to a higher certificate, diploma and bachelor’s degree (See Table 1).
  • Candidates must note that, according to Section 37 (i) of the Higher Education Act (Act 101 of 1997), the decision to admit a student to higher education study is the right and responsibility of the higher education institution concerned. This implies that individual institutions may set additional admission requirements for specific programmes. 

Table 1: Minimum statutory admission requirements

Qualification Minimum entry requirement
Higher certificate • All statutory requirements for NC(V) 4 should be met;• 40% in English;• 30% in either Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy;
• 40% in Life Orientation; and
• 50% in the other four vocational subjects.
Diploma • All statutory requirements for NC(V) 4 should be met;• 50% in three fundamental subjects, one of which must be English; and• 60% in three compulsory vocational modules.
Bachelor’s degree • All statutory requirements for NC(V) 4 should be met;• 60% in three fundamental subjects, one of which must be English; and• 70% in three compulsory vocational modules.

Institutional requirements for NC(V) 4 level students

  •  NC(V) 4 candidates must score the minimum admission points on the scoring scale for admission, as prescribed in the CUT admissions policy (See Table 2). Since NC(V) programmes are highly specialised, such applicants will only be considered for admission into programmes of similar specialisation, for example NC(V): Tourism applicants will be considered for the Diploma: Tourism Management only, and no other specialisation, regardless of their performance in the NC(V) examinations. Admission to a particular programme is subject to the requirements of that programme (See Table 3 below).
  • NC(V) 4 applicants are eligible for university admission only if they have obtained a full qualification.  No applicant will be admitted based on the completion of certain subjects in a qualification.
  • Life Orientation forms part of the final score, with a maximum value of one.
  • NC(V) candidates are expected to possess a minimum level of proficiency in English, since this is the language of learning and teaching (LoLT) at CUT.  A minimum mark of 50% for English as Home Language (vernacular) or First Additional Language is therefore considered to be sufficient, although any proof of proficiency in the English language will also be taken into consideration.

The scoring scale for NC (V) 4 subjects is indicated in Table 2.

Percentage achieved in NCV subject 30-
50-59% 60-
Points rating for % value 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Table 2: Scoring scale for NC(V) 4
The programme-specific requirements are indicated in Table 3.

Civil Engineering and Building Construction
Construction Planning National Diploma:  Civil EngineeringNational Diploma:Building In addition to the general admission requirements, a minimum mark of 50% in both Mathematics and Physical Science is required for applicants seeking to pursue their studies in Civil Engineering.  Every applicant must write an access assessment test.In addition to the general admission requirements, a minimum mark of 50% in Mathematics or 70% in Mathematical Literacy is required for applicants seeking to pursue their studies in Building. Physical Science is recommended. Every applicant must write an access assessment test.
Construction Supervision
Carpentry and Roof Work
Concrete Structures
Physical Science
Drawing Office Practice
Architectural Graphics and Technology
Civil and Structural Steel work
Mechanical Draughting and Technology
Drawing Office Procedures and Techniques


Education and Development
Art and Science of Teaching Diploma:Design and Studio Art In addition to the general entry requirements, the following subjects are highly recommended: Painting, Ceramics, Drawing, Graphic Design, Graphic Processes, Jewellery Design, Jewellery Manufacturing, Entrepreneurship and Business Management (only N4), History of Art (N5 and N6).
Human and Social Development
Learning Psychology


Electrical Infrastructure Construction
Electrical Principles and Practice National Diploma: Electrical Engineering  In addition to the general admission requirements, a minimum mark of 50% in both Mathematics and Physical Science is required.  Every applicant must write an access assessment test.
Electronic Control and Digital Electronics
Electrical Workmanship
Electrical Systems and Construction
Physical Science
Engineering and Related Design
Applied Engineering Technology National Diploma: Mechanical Engineering In addition to the general admission requirements, a minimum mark of 50% in both Mathematics and Physical Science is required.  Every applicant must write an access assessment test.
Engineering Processes
Professional Engineering Practice
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Engineering Fabrication – Boiler Making
Engineering Fabrication – Sheet Metal Worker
Fitting and Turning
Physical Science
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Processes


Finance, Economics and Accounting
Applied Accounting In addition to the general entry requirements, a minimum mark of 50% in Accounting is required.
Economic Environment
Financial Management
New Venture Creation
Client Services and Human Relations Diploma: Hospitality Management In addition to the general entry requirements, every applicant must write an assessment test and undergo an interview. Consumer Science, Hospitality Studies, Accounting or Business Studies is highly recommended.
Food Preparation
Hospitality Generics
Hospitality Services


Information Technology and Computer Science
Computer Programming  National Diploma: Information Technology In addition to the general admission requirements, a minimum mark of 60% in Mathematical Literacy or 40% in either Mathematics or Information Technology is required. Every applicant must write an access assessment test.
Data Communication and Networking
Systems Analysis and Design
Multimedia Service  (Implementation date: 2013)
Financial Management In addition to the general admission requirements, a minimum mark of 50% in Accounting is required.A candidate must score at least 27 or more points on the CUT scoring scale.
Management Practice
Operations Management National Diploma: Public  Management National Diploma in Human Resources  Management
Project Management
Advertising and Promotions National Diploma: Marketing A candidate must score at least 27 or more points on the CUT scoring scale and 50% for English/Communication.
Marketing Communication
Consumer Behaviour
Contact Centre Operations


Computer-integrated Manufacturing Not applicable.
Stored Programme Systems
Mechatronic Systems


Office Administration
Business Practice National Diploma: Office Management and Technology A candidate must score at least 27 or more points on the CUT scoring scale.
Office Data Processing
Office Practice
Personal Assistance


Primary Agriculture
Animal Production National Diploma: Agricultural Management In addition to the general admission requirements, a minimum mark of 40% in one of the following subjects, as well as a minimum mark of 50% in  one of the Agricultural-related subject, is required, i.e.: Agricultural Sciences and/or Biology or Life Sciences, Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Life Orientation, Economics, Accounting or Physical Science. A candidate scoring 21 points or less on CUT’s scoring scale will not be admitted. A candidate scoring 22 – 26 points on CUT’s scoring scale must undergo a selection test.
Advanced Plant Production
Farm Planning and Mechanisation
Process Instrumentation
Electronics Control and Digital Electronics National Diploma: Electrical Engineering In addition to the general admission requirements, a minimum mark of 50% in both Mathematics and Physical Science is required for candidates wishing to pursue their studies in Electrical Engineering.  Every applicant must write an access assessment test.
Engineering Processes
Physical Science
Instrumentation Technology
SETA-accredited occupational programmesFET Certificate: Beauty and Nail Technology National Diploma:Somatology In addition to the general admission requirements, a minimum mark of 50% in either Life or Physical Science is required. A candidate must score at least 23 or more points on the CUT scoring scale.
Client Services and Human Relations Diploma: Tourism Management A candidate must score at least 28 or more points on the CUT scoring scale. Every applicant must write a scholastic aptitude test and undergo an interview. Due to the relatively high demand for places in this programme, a candidate who scores less than 24 points on the CUT scoring scale will not be considered for selection.
Science of Tourism
Sustainable Tourism in South Africa and International Travel
Tourism Operations
Transport and Logistics 
Freight Logistics Not applicable.
Transport Economics
Transport Operations
Project Management
New Venture Creation

The following admission requirements apply:

  • A candidate with an FET N3, N4, N5 or N6 certificate may qualify for admission to the first year of a diploma qualification, based on his or her seven best subjects for N4/N5 or N5/N6 and a minimum of 50% for English at N3 level. However, a candidate must meet the minimum admission requirements, including the language requirement, on the CUT scoring scale before he/she will be allowed to write an access assessment test (see Table 4 for the CUT scoring scale for N qualifications).
  • A candidate with an N3, N4, N5 or N6 certificate does not qualify for any subject recognition.
  • Subject recognition may be granted to FET students who have successfully completed their FET N6 diplomas. Such subject recognition will only be considered for first-year CUT certificate and/or diploma subjects, and will only be based on FET N6 level diploma subjects completed successfully. These subjects must be passed at N4, N5 and N6 level with a score of 50% or above.
  • Programme prerequisites must be met before a candidate will be admitted to a specific programme.
  • An official statement of results must be presented to CUT.

The scoring scale for candidates in possession of N3, N4, N5 and N6 qualifications is indicated in Table 4.
Table 4: CUT scoring scale for N qualifications

Symbol achieved N3 N4/N5/N6
A 6 8
B 5 7
C 4 6
D 3 5
E 2 4

If you do not qualify on the scoring scales, do not despair. CUT offers an Extended Curriculum Programme (ECP), a bridge year(s) that will give you various options before continuing on your true career path.