Department of Basic Education; Funza Lushaka Bursary

Department of Basic Education; Funza Lushaka Bursary

Government of South Africa invites all South African citizen to support Funza Lushaka, the Department of Education bursaries. In mission to improve South African basic education, Funza Lushaka bursaries main target is to encourage young teacher to present their knowledge in rural, remote and disadvantaged communities. Are you interested in transforming your education and the community? Read more to find out about the programme!

About Funza Lushaka
Funza Lushaka bursary is a multi-year programme to promote teaching as a profession and issued by Department of Education of South Africa. The bursaries are open to help qualified students to complete a teaching qualification prior in national area, specifically in public schools. The programme is funded by National Treasury and run by Department of Basic Education.

The Field Of Study Available
The Funza Lushaka bursaries will be awarded to the following programmes:
–              Bachelor of Education (BEd)
–              Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
–              BA, BSc, Bcom, and Btech degrees that will suit PGCE programme after the bursars completed the study. Bursars should choose –at least- 2 major subjects
The Funza Lushaka give prioritize following areas:
–              Foundation Phase (i.e. Grades R-3): Specializing in an indigenous African language
–              Intermediate and Senior Phase (i.e. Grades 4-9): Teaching major in two of Mathematics, Technology, and Natural Science
–              FET Phase (i.e. Grades 10-12): Teaching major in two of the following:
Agricultural Science, Accounting, Agricultural Technology, Computer Applications Technology, Civil Technology, Economics, Engineering Graphics and Design, Electrical Technology, Geography, Information Technology (IT), Life Sciences, Mathematics, Mechanical Technology, Physical Sciences
The Requirements of Bursaries
There are several criterion that every applicants must meet before applying for Funza Lushaka bursary programme and those are:
–              Applicants are South African citizen, preferred with valid ID Book
–              The bursary will be awarded after the 2 priority area subjects are included
–              The applicants must have been accepted into an approparite qualification in an accredited HEI and pass the national selection for bursary
–              Committed to teaching career
–              Bursars are required to teach in provincial teaching post for years according to their bursary years
–              Applicants are not dropouts and have no criminal record
–              Applicants from rural areas or willing to teach in rural areas or those who needs financial aid to teach in rurals areas will be given priority
Funza Lushaka bursary will covers registration fees, accommodation and meals costs, books and course materials, and living expenses.
Applying For The Bursaries
The Funza Lushaka bursaries will open for submission from 15 October and will be considered by bursary Selection Committe during February and March. Should your application successful, notification from bursary Coordinator will reach you not later than 30 April. To register for Funza Lushaka bursary:
Be the teacher, be the change!