Department of Energy Learnerships
In 2025, the Department of Energy holds a lot of Training and Learnership program for you. Do not wait too long because the program will be closed on 14 February 2025. The programs will last for twelve months. This is a great opportunity for those who are looking for experience in the field of energy and environment. There are two types of programs offered. The first is Learnership Training Programme and the second is Work Integrated Learning (WIL). For WIL program, the department requires applicants who have the educational fields of Supply Chain Management, Chemical Engineering, Financial Management and Information Technology. Meanwhile, the field is needed for Learnership Programme is Project Management and Public Administration.
Department of Energy provides different requirements for each program. The requirements for WIL program are you must be a South African citizen, you must have an official certificate from the South African educational institutions, you have a background in one of the subject areas listed above, you do not have any previous experience related to the learning program, attach the curriculum vitae and academic records, fill in the blank Z83 and have a copy of the certificate of Matrix. Meanwhile, if you are interested in joining the Learnership Training Programme, the following are the requirements you need to prepare.
You can at least communicate verbally and non-verbal (written), bilingual; one of them is English. You must have the skills to work well under pressure in a team or individually. You also have a high self-quality such as open-minded, honest, professional, etc. Department of Energy will select applicants aged 18 to 35 years. They must come from South African citizens. Applications will be disqualified if it is not given the date and signature. For candidates who pass the selection will be contacted within 3 weeks after the closing date.
Please forward your application, marked for the attention of Ms L. Modiba I Mr M. Shiluvane for Learnership or Work Integrated Learning via post to: The Director General, Department of Energy, Private Bag , Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to: The Department of Energy, 192 Visagie Street (corner Visagie and Paul Kruger Streets), Pretoria, 0001.
Please direct all enquiries to: MSL. Modiba and Mr M. Shiluvane, Learnership and Work Integrated Learning (WIL, tel (012) 406 7607 / 801).
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