Department Of Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Questions And Answers

Department Of Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Questions And Answers

Government and government-related information
Q: Where do I find information on government and government-related issues?
Visit the Contact your government page for information directories.
The SA Government Online website provides government information, as well as access to government websites.
The SA Government Services website provides information about government services to South African residents, organisations and businesses and foreign nationals who need services from the South African government.
FAQs on government and government-related issues are available on the SA Government Online website.
Q: Where do I get a photograph of the President and other Cabinet members?
A: The GCIS provides photographs of Cabinet members to government, the media and the public. Please contact Este Koorts at
Q: Where do I get electronic and other copies of the Coat of Arms?
A: Please contact Este Koorts at
Q: What are communication clusters and which are they?
A: Clusters foster an integrated approach to governance that is aimed at improving government planning, decision making and service delivery. The main objective is to ensure proper coordination of all government programmes at national and provincial levels.
The main functions of the clusters are to ensure the alignment of government wide priorities, facilitate and monitor the implementation of priority programmes and to provide a consultative platform on cross-cutting priorities and matters being taken to Cabinet.
Economic Sectors, Employment and Infrastructure Development
Chair: Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform, Mr Gugile Nkwinti.
Deputy Chair: Minister of Science and Technology, Ms Naledi Pandor.
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Telecommunications and Postal Services
The Presidency: Planning, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
Economic Development
Higher Education and Training
Mineral Resources
Public Enterprises
Rural Development and Land Reform
Science and Technology
Trade and Industry
Environmental Affairs
Water and Sanitation
Public Works
Human Settlements
Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
Small Business Development
Social Protection, Community and Human Development
Chair: Minister of Social Development, Ms Bathabile Dlamini.
Deputy Chair: Minister of Basic Education, Ms Angie Motshekga.
Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
Water and Sanitation
Human Settlements
Public Works
Rural Development and Land Reform
Social Development
Arts and Culture
Basic Education
Higher Education and Training
Science and Technology
Sport and Recreation
The Presidency: Women
International Cooperation, Trade and Security
Chair: Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Dr Siyabonga Cwele
Deputy Chair: Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Ms Maite Nkoana-Mashabane
Defence and Military Veterans
Telecommunications and Postal Services
International Relations and Cooperation
State Security
Trade and Industry
Environmental Affairs
Governance and Administration
Chair: Minister of Home Affairs, Mr Malusi Gigaba.
Deputy Chair: Minister of Public Service and Administration, Mr Collins Chabane.
Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
Home Affairs
Justice and Correctional Services
Public Service and Administration
The Presidency: Planning, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
Justice, Crime Prevention and Security
Chair: Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Ms Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula.
Deputy Chair: Minister of Police, Mr Nathi Nhleko.
Justice and Correctional Services
Home Affairs
State Security
Publications and information products
Q: How do I order the South Africa Yearbook?
A: To obtain a copy of the SA Yearbook 2012/13 or Pocket Guide to South Africa 2013/14, please email your request to, stating your postal address, physical address and telephone numbers.
Q: How do I get hold of the contact directories?
A: The National Government Contact Directory, Local Government Directory, Directory of Contacts, and Media Directory are available online on the website. Access these directories from the Contact directories page.
Hard copies can be ordered from
Q: How do I get hold of Profile?
A: Profile is only available online on the website from the Profile page.
Hard copies can be ordered from
Q: How do I get hold of the Faces of Government poster?
A: Please contact the Information centre at:
Q: Does government provide a news service?
A:The South African Government News Agency (formerly known as BuaNews) is one of the services of the Chief Directorate: Government and Media Liaison. This government news service provides media and readers locally and internationally with government news and information. Media can use articles from the Agency at no charge.
Q: How do I subscribe to receive stories by e-mail?
A: Please visit the website and follow the link to subscribe.
Q: How does the GCIS coordinate government communication efforts in provinces?
A: Government communication efforts are coordinated in the following ways:
The GCIS provincial offices participate in communication forums in the provinces and work together with provincial communication counterparts.
Regional offices play a supportive role in setting up communication forums at district or local level.
Regional offices share the core messages and content of the national government communication strategy with their provincial communication counterparts.
Q: Does the GCIS provide funding for development and poverty alleviation programmes such as brick-making, baking, dress-making, feeding schemes and the starting of SMMEs?
A: No, but we will be able to provide you with contact information for organisations to send such requests to, including local governments, provincial departments of economic development, and agencies such as Khula Enterprises, the National Development Agency, SMME support centres and the Land Bank.
For more information, please complete the information enquiry form.
Media Development and Diversity Agency
Q: What is the MDDA?
A: See About us > Public entities