Department of Tourism Bursary Programme
Nowadays, looking for an opportunity to get financed for higher education is not a daunting task. Those who want to continue their education experience through tertiary institution can take benefit from a bursary programme. Now, if you look for one, dept of tourism offers talented SA young generation to apply for their bursary opportunity if you aim for one among these following field of studies for academic year of 2025; Human Resource Development, Public Administration, Economics, Tourism Management, LLB, Honour for International Politics, Public Relations Management and Media Studies/Journalism/Communication Science. Put it aside, only those who are registered at recognized SA educational institution who are allowed to join the Transnet bursaries.
Before submitting your application for bursary programme at dept of tourism, tag along application form of Departmental bursary (after you complete it properly), proof of submission (registration), SA ID, current Matric/ academic result, certified copies for necessary qualifications, motivational letter, and the proof of the household income. Speak of the application form, it is obtainable at National Dept of Tourism’s reception desk, or you can also download it through When everything is prepared, you can choose either post the application or hand delivery it. However, avoid to fax or email your application.
Considering to post the application for bursary programme at dept of tourism, submit it through the Director-General/Private Bag X424/Pretoria 0001. But, if you prefer to hand delivery your application, simply go to Tourism House/17 Trevena Street/Sunnyside/for attention; Mr Loyiso Sobandla (012 444 6158) or Mr Welcome Tshabalala (012 444 6183). The application should be sent either on its closing date on January 15th 2025 or it would be better if you send it beforehand, thus you have no worry about your application being discouraged for the lateness. After some time, if you get the correspondence from the official, it implies that you are approved as the suitable applicant for the bursary.