Details of DBE – Sector Progress, Performance and Research
The DBE constantly produces strategic plans, reports, research papers, and working papers which are available to the public as part of the Departments mandate in line with statutory requirements as well as high level government and sector plans. The plans guiding the work of the Department include the National Development Plan (NDP) 2030, the Medium Term Strategic Framework, the Delivery Agreement for Outcome 1 and the initial and updated sector plan, Action Plan to 2025: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2030. The strategic imperatives reflected in these documents are further supported by statements by the Presidency, Minister and education sector leadership and stakeholders.
This link (Sector Progress, Performance and Research) is an opportunity for the public to access such information as well as the Departments response through monitoring, evaluation and planning documents reflecting the medium to long range performance of the education system. In addition, information shared includes comparative analyses and research in support of overall sectoral goals.
The link is intended to spark informed public debate on key research issues and findings in education as well as provide reliable sectoral information on basic education.
This page is divided into two, the first aspect is Strategic Planning and Reporting and the second is Research and Performance Trends. Each of these links contains detailed Departmental documents aligned to the high level page name.
Research and Performance Trends
The Research and Performance Trends page reflects on the Departments efforts regarding national monitoring, research and evaluation to support the medium to long range performance of the education system. This includes comparative analyses and research co-ordination in support of overall sectoral goals.
The page is organised under the following categories:
- Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Reports
- Research Events
- Provincial, District and School Monitoring tools
Planning and Reporting Resources
In order for departmental managers to work more efficiently and diligently, familiarity with the various planning and reporting resources available within the public sector is required. Documentation has been compiled to assist managers in planning, monitoring and system management.