Discovery Medical Claims Learnership Programme

Discovery Medical Claims Learnership Programme

Young generation of South Africa, you should be prepared, since there is opportunity for you to experience the real work for your future career path. The chance is for only ten brilliant young people only. So, if you you think you can fulfill the requirements that are offered, medical claims learnership programme is just for you. When you join this learnership programme, you will deal with valuable learning hours you can’t get elsewhere (it is about 1500 learning hours).
In fact, if you are so interested toward medical claims profession, learnership programme which is brought to you by Discovery is the best way to find out the exact thing you need when you are on that profession. It is because it hard to find (even none) such institution which give you theoretical and practical knowledge as one package. So then, this learnership programme is like an open gate for you to understand deeper about this matter. In details, herein you will find some requirements to be fulfilled in order to grasp this very rare opportunity. The requirements for you to consider are:

  • Your age must be must be around 18 to 30;
  • You must be not followed any other similar programmes;
  • You must have good English skill and one extra language (both of them should be gain minimum D symbol)

So, what do you think about the requirements above? actually, the requirements are not stopping there, to become the learner of this learnership programme you need:

  • Have good Matric with Math;
  • You are not registered in any other formal institution ;
  • You must have good communication skill if you are interested to join medical claims learnership programme. You need also able to handle work in detail and accurate, can work with basic computer, show your big interest toward service others and willingly find any valuable data.

If you think you can handle all of the requirements above, you can apply now, since it will close soon on December 19th 2014.
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