the dti functional career opportunities

the dti functional career opportunities

Divisions Functions and Duties Minimum Entry Requirements Additional Requirements and Attributes Career Opportunities
CCRD – Consumer & Corporate Regulation Division The main kinds of work being performed are related to policy formulation and regulation; law enforcement; and education and awareness rising. The specific qualifications and experience that are needed differ across the different business unit but generally qualifications in Commerce and Law are required
  • Business writing skill
  • Legislative Capacity
  • Research skill
  • Financial Management
  • Presentation skills
  • Company Law and Policy
  • Commercial Law and Policy
  • Consumer, Competition Law and Policy
  • Legislative Drafting
  • Regulated Industries
  • Enforcement
SEZ and Economic Transformation Division SEZ and Economic Transformation Division provides strategic direction in the development of policies and strategies, which seek to create an enabling environment for small, medium and micro-sized enterprises (SMMEs). It also aims to enhance the competitiveness of local and provincial economies. In so doing, it strives to achieve inclusive shared equity, increased growth and job creation. The specific qualifications and experience that are needed differ across the different business units but generally qualifications in Commerce, Economics and combination of BSc plus an Economics or Management degree are required.
  • Analytical skills
  • Knowledge management
  • Public policy management
  • Research skills
  • Financial Management
  • Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
  • Cooperative Development
  • Economic Infrastructure and Logistics
  • Enterprise Development
  • Innovation and Technology
  • Local Economic Development
  • Trade and Industry Advisors
IDPDD – Industrial Development Policy Development Division The Industrial Development Division (IDPDD), supported by government procurement, facilitates industrial development, to create an enabling environment for competitiveness, growth and job creation The Industrial Development Division (IDPDD), supported by government procurement, facilitates industrial development, to create an enabling environment for competitiveness, growth and job creation
  • Analytical skills
  • Knowledge management
  • Public policy management
  • Research skills
  • Financial Management
  • Electro Technical
  • Aerospace and Defense
  • Nuclear
  • Capital Equipment and Allied Industries
  • Agro Processing
  • Automotive
  • Metals
  • Chemical and Allied Industries
  • Technical Infrastructure; and
  • Trade and Industry Advisors
ITED – International Trade & Economic Development Division ITED is mainly a policy development division which seeks to design policy instruments to facilitate economic activity aimed at SA’s further integration into the global economy. It also aims to negotiate international trade agreements on a bilateral and multilateral basis within the context of a global trade environment and to manage SA’s tariff regime Generally qualifications in Commerce; Science; Economics / International Relations are required
  • Negotiation skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Research skills
  • Financial management
  • Multilaterals
  • Trade Rules
  • Bilateral Relations and Policy
  • Market Access
  • Non Proliferation and Legal
TISA-Trade Investment South Africa TISA provides leadership to key growth sectors in the economy, and develops South Africa’s capacity to export to various markets and increase foreign direct investment in the country. Generally Qualifications in Commerce, Economics, Business Management; Marketing and Accounting
  • Project management
  • Marketing skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Information and knowledge management
  • Financial Management
  • Export Information
  • National Pavilions
  • Export Promotion
  • Export Facilitation
  • Investment Promotion
  • Foreign Service / International Relations; and
  • Trade and Industry Advisors
IDIAD-The Enterprise Organisation Around 80% of the staff in this division are involved in incentive administration. Most of the work is done by the Trade and Industry Advisors who act as assessors/evaluators and also checkers of documents. In the product Development unit the minimum requirement should be an Honours in Economics or Finance
  • Analyzing contracts
  • Interpretation of financial statements
  • Legal knowledge
  • Analyses and interpretation of business plans
  • Presentation skills
  • Incentive Product Development
  • Incentive Administration
  • Economists;
  • Trade & Industry Advisors


Divisions Functions and Duties Minimum Entry Requirements Additional Requirements and Attributes Career Opportunities
GSSSD-Group Systems and Support Services Division. GSSSD comprises five business units: Legal Services
Human Resources and the Learning Centre;
Office of the Chief Operations Officer.
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Qualifications in Law
Qualifications in Human Resources Management
Qualifications in Social science or Law
Qualifications Information Technology
  • Presentation skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Computer skill
  • Legal advisor
  • Human Resource practitioner
  • IT Technician
ODG- Office of the Director General Communications and Marketing; and Media services
Corporate Governance and Compliance Management
Qualifications in Marketing, Journalism, graphic design, public relations, communications and media studies
  • Project management
  • Marketing skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Information and knowledge management
  • Networking skills
  • Writer
  • Publisher
  • Events Coordinator
  • Outreach Programme officer
  • Stakeholder relations
  • Photographer
  • Advertising