Fasken Martineau Vacation Programme

Fasken Martineau Vacation Programme

Joining Fasken Martineau

Our highly specialised team of lawyers at Fasken Martineau balances excellence in the workplace with a commitment to a fulfilled life outside of it.
We employ top candidates looking to specialise in business law and make a positive contribution to society. We are an equal opportunity employer who rejects any form of discrimination and rewards excellence.
Skills transfer is encouraged by involving candidates in projects as part of a bigger team – exposing them to broader skills and vast experience. You will be actively encouraged to join in and engage with voluntary committees and key elements in civil society. This interaction gives you access and exposure to the changing political and social landscapes. It assists you when advising clients and shapes your thinking on matters beyond just the legal sphere.
Fasken Martineau does not employ more candidates than it can accommodate as associates after the completion of articles. This means that there will always be a place at the firm for those candidates who, during articles, have displayed the necessary skills to become future directors of the firm.
We consider candidates with any undergraduate degree plus LLB, a four-year LLB or Master with LLM.
Applications for candidate attorneys must reach us by no later than 31 March each year. Please include a CV, reference letter and copies of all qualifications and transcripts.
Apply Online


Fasken Martineau offers a full scholarship for penultimate year LLB students.
In order to apply, please note the following:

  • Students must be registered for the penultimate year of their LLB.
  • An average of 65% and over for the years of study already completed is required.
  • Financial need is not a criterion, but will be a consideration.
  • The recipient will be required to participate in vacation work programmes offered to him/her by Fasken Martineau.
  • Once the recipient has graduated successfully, he or she will be required to accept articles of clerkship at Fasken Martineau if offered. Should the recipient turn down the offer of articles the entire scholarship amount needs to be paid back to Fasken Martineau in full.
  • Unless the students fails one or more subjects the scholarship is likely to continue into the students final year of studies.
  • The successful candidate will be a person who, in the opinion of the firm, has the potential to become an effective attorney at Fasken Martineau. The candidate should be a balanced individual demonstrating leadership qualities, an interest in community issues/projects and strong self-motivation.
  • Applications should be submitted online and should include the following:
    • Completed online profile
    • A letter motivating why the student should be the beneficiary of the Scholarship
    • A certified copy of matric certificate and all academic results
    • A certified copy of identity document
    • At least two letters of reference
    • Incomplete applications will not be considered.
    • Important: Once you have registered and completed your online profile click HERE to apply for a programme or job of interest!

Vacation programmes

Our vacation programmes offer a good opportunity for candidates to show their capabilities and for us to assess law students early in their careers. Numbers are limited, ensuring that each student receives sufficient guidance and allowing for a thorough assessment of each student’s potential.
The firm has selected many of its candidate attorneys from the groups of vacation students, often conducting interviews during vacation programmes.
The programmes also include outings and some fun social activities, as well as opportunities to meet the staff of Fasken Martineau during informal functions.