Finance Graduate Internship at Joe Gqabi District Municipality

Finance Graduate Internship at Joe Gqabi District Municipality

Are you looking for an internship opportunity at Joe Gqabi district Municipality? Your chance is now, since they invite potential young generation especially under Joe Gqabi District Municipality territory to join their finance graduate. Nevertheless, this graduate/internship is designed to allow qualified applicants to experience top notch practical and training program to develop their understanding toward management of municipal finance and its related issue. It implies that they will be exposed any matter that involves budget and treasury of municipal office. Below you will get some information related to the internship opportunity.
The requirements any suitable should match to apply a finance graduate at Joe Gqabi District Municipality are; (1) your age must be around 21 to 35 years old, (2) you hold either a three year National Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree in these following majors such as, Economics, Accounting, or Finance, (3) you need to add Auditing or Risk Management as the completion of the major that you pick, (4) signing the internship agreement and devoting to follow the program without failure. Let it alone, for qualified applicants which are accepted for this graduate opportunity, they will be rewarded with per annum allowance for about R99 000 and R109 000/or in between.
Joe Gqabi District Municipality Application
Prepare your CV, certified qualifications document, prescribed form for application, and some other necessary documents. Be sure to forward the attention to the Manager of Human Resources. Download the necessary form to apply finance graduate from http:/ or you can also obtain it at Human Resource Section/the Barkley East Offices/Joe Gqabi District Municipality. Submit your application to Mr ZA Williams/Municipal Manager/Cnr Cole and Graham Street/Private Bag x102/Barkly East 9786, before it is closed on December 18th 2025. If you have any question related to the program, dial 045 9793175 (Olwethu Moholoza). Any applicants who apply using a Z83 will be discouraged.