Fixed-Wing Pilot SAPS Learnerships Programme
This is good news for women who are interested to learn and to add their experience to be the real fixed-wing pilot. SAPS (South Africa Police Service) together with TETA (Transport Education and Training Authority) work together in order to find the best female whose ages are about eighteen to thirty to join fixed-wing pilot learnership programme which they held together. This is a rare chance since only nine of the best women on those mentioned age above can join this learnership programme. So what do you think?
Actually, learnership programme is a good way for anybody to feel the real experience to become the one they want. It can be a stepping stone to gain particular career since, learnership programme usually fills with valuable things which assist you to understand more toward the career path you have chosen. However, if you are interesting toward 2025 fixed-wing pilot learnership programme that is brought to you by SAPS and TETA, you can’t wait to apply. These are following things you will get when you join this leanership programme, they are; license, meals, accommodation, lecture, training, and uniform.
However, to join this learnership programme there are some requirements you need to follow; (1) you must be unemployment, (2) you must have good discipline and have strong sense of nationalism, (3) you have to pass level 5 (or more) of science and mathematics and possess grade 12 in the same time, (3) to join fixed-wing pilot learnership, capable to speak two or more languages will be advantageous for you, but English must be one of them, (4) you have no exaggerate fear toward height, (5) you need to pass series examinations that are held as the complement to join this learnership programme.
If you think you are a woman and South African citizen that confident with all of the requirements, you can send your application with Z83 form by handed it directly or sending it to Colonel FP Blaauw. Applications must be submitted on the Z83 Form with a CV, certified copies of the Grade 12 certificate and diploma / courses obtained and certified copy of ID document attached. These must be forwarded and marked for attention: Colonel FP Blaauw, to SAPS, Private Bag X117, Pretoria 0001 OR hand deliver at the 7th Floor, Shorburg Building, 429 Helen Joseph Street, Pretoria.
For Enquiries: Colonel Blaauw, Tel: 012 334 3721 or email: OR
Lt Col de Wit, Tel: 012 33 3777