FoodBev SETA 2nd Discretionary Grant Application Funding Window 2025/2026 OPEN

FoodBev SETA 2nd Discretionary Grant Application Funding Window 2025/2026 OPEN

FoodBev SETA invites food and beverage manufacturing levy paying and non-levy paying companies, NGO’s, CBO’s and Cooperatives to apply for discretionary grants in the following categories:
 Learnerships (Employed/ Unemployed)
 Internship
 Work Experience for Graduate
 Skills Programme (Employed)
 TVET placement
The purpose of these grants is to address the National Priorities as set out in NDSD III, FoodBev SSP and Annual Performance Plan (APP).
 The application window opens on 21 August 2025- 29 September 2025 (a month)
 The Discretionary Grant application forms, grant funding policy and scarce skills list can be obtained from the
bottom of the page
 The application must address scarce skills in the sector
 All grant applications are subject to approval as per the criteria, policies, and procedures depending on
availability of funds as determined by the FoodBev SETA Accounting Authority.
The following documents must be attached to the application:
 an implementation plan,
 a pivotal plan and
 a pivotal report
All the applications must be forwarded to FoodBev SETA no later than 29 September 2025, marked for attention: Skills Planning Manager
 email: or
 hand delivery: 13 Autumn Street, Rivonia, 2128
N.B. The deadlines will not be extended, any late or incomplete application will not be considered.
All enquiries regarding Discretionary Grants may be directed to the following officials:
 Learnership and Skills Programme: or
 Work Experience and internships:
Please click here to download the application form.
Download Grants Policy (Mandatory and Discretionary)
Download Scarce Skills List