Forestry South Africa 7th Forest Science Symposium 2024

Forestry South Africa 7th Forest Science Symposium 2024

7th Forest Science Symposium 2024

Location: Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.
Date: 18 – 20 July 2024
The Institute for Commercial Forestry Research (ICFR) in South Africa is excited to send you the FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT of our 7thForest Science Symposium, which will take place from 18-20 July 2024 in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.
This event will showcase the depth and breadth of forestry research across southern Africa, and aims to provide a unique opportunity for the southern African forest research community, to interact with international partners and share knowledge around the work being carried out across the region.
The 2024 Symposium is co-hosted with the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), and with the South African Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, as well as with our research partners including FABI, NMMU and SUN.
This year, our theme will focus particularly on Research underpinning the sustainability of a diverse forestry sector and will seek to explore forestry research in the broadest sense looking at natural forests, plantations and woodlands, the range of genera and species, geographical and environmental variation, and the diversity of people and products.
Of particular value, is IUFRO’s contribution through their Special Programme for Development of Capacities (IUFRO-SPDC), who will hold a pre- Research Symposium event focused on African countries.
The Research Symposium itself is aiming for a strong regional focus, and we hope many of the forest research organisations and relevant academic and research institutions into the continent’s southern and south-eastern countries will attend.
In addition we are aiming for a strong youth focus and are working closely with the International Forestry Students Association (IFSA) who hold their annual symposium in South Africa in 2024, to ensure many of them attend and participate.
The 2024 Symposium will also coincide with the ICFR’s 70th anniversary celebrating our extensive experience and expertise in applied forestry research, and our role as an indispensable and preferred research partner in supporting a vibrant, sustainable, productive and globally competitive forestry sector in southern Africa.
Please diarise the dates for this important event and assist us with sending this information on to any of your contacts who may wish to attend. We will shortly be sending out the first call for abstracts as well as registration information. We hope to see many of you here next year.
Sally J Upfold, Knowledge Manager  
Institute for Commercial Forestry Research (ICFR)
UKZN Campus, Carbis Road, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg
P O Box 100281, Scottsville 3209, South Africa
Tel:  033 – 3862314,
Fax:  033 – 3868905
Cell: 082 570 0851