Forestry South Africa Agriculture And Forestry Expo 2025

Forestry South Africa Agriculture And Forestry Expo 2025

The 2nd AFGO Expo, AGFO Expo 2025, will take place once again at the Caster bridge Lifestyle Centre in White River, Mpumalanga, South Africa, from 14 – 16 September, to promote agriculture and forestry in the area and provide a successful trade platform for exhibitors and visitors.
Event Background

The AGFO Expo focuses on the joint interests and natural symbiosis between the Agriculture and Forest industries and provides a proven platform for stakeholders from both these dynamic sectors to promote their interests, showcase their products and demonstrate their services and capabilities to a diverse but targeted audience.
The objective of the Expo is to:

  • Provide a Trade Platform for Exhibitors
  • Promote Local Business
  • Promote Agriculture & Forestry in the Area

Thank you to everybody who supported the event last year and we welcome back all the prominent businesses already registered for AGFO Expo 2025. Business owners who are interested in booking a stand are encouraged to visit the website and submit the necessary registration documents to or contact Tracey on 071 134 4197 or Joey on 082 854 6155 for more information.
There is an exciting line-up planned for the 3 days which includes the networking event, product & equipment demonstrations in a dedicated arena, firefighting demos, various competitions open to industry and the public, the AGFO-rum with industry related talks and discussions, a fun run, Boeresport, local bands, food court, beer tent, children’s entertainment area and much more.

Various size stands are available to suit the needs of each exhibitor and range from 3m X 3m to 10m X 10m. Stand prices range from R 100/m² to R 150/m². Stands can be booked inside the marquee which comes standard with one table and 2 chairs or outside which is an open space area. Electricity points are available on all stands (including 3 phase power) but must be booked in advance.  The site layout and individual stand prices are available under the Exhibitor tab on the website
Entrance Fees

Day Adults Children under 18 years Pensioners
Thu & Fri R 30 R 20 Free
Sat R 50 Free if accompanied by a paying adult Free

Sponsorship Opportunities
Thank you to MTO Forestry for the Gold Sponsorship, United Forest Products and Ezigro Seedlings who have committed to the silver sponsorships.
AGFO Expo 2025 offers you a comprehensive range of sponsorship packages, both before and during the event.  These are geared to supporting and complementing the showcasing of your brands and products and will build relationships with new clients and support sales. Contact Joey on 082 854 6155 or if you require more information on further sponsorship opportunities.