Where to get your Matric Results

Where to get your Matric Results

With Matric trial exams just around the corner most learners are preparing for the end of their schooling careers.
Its important to remember, the end is not when you write your last paper but rather when you receive your results, which hopefully will be a positive experience……
The department of education has not yet confirmed when results will be announced but it typically happens early in the New Year.
We promise to put up a countdown timer as soon as it’s been announced.

Below are a few ways to get your Matric results


At your school. This you would have to do anyway to pick up your matric certificate.


Newspapers. Most of the big newspapers such as The Star and The Argus usually print all the results in that day’s edition.


The Department of Education’s Website. The link requests your student exam number and can be used by any registered NSC matric student in South Africa.


By far the best way to get your matric results is to sign up for SABC’s News Break Matric Results Service. This service is available for both NSC and IEB matric students and the process is as follows.

  1. SMS your Identity Document Number and Matric Examination Number to 35658.
  2. Doing this now will register you to receive your results as soon as they are published by the Department.
  3. There is a once off cost implication of R3 though


News Break also offer a call in service by dialing 082 152 and following the relevant voice prompts on the day the results are announced.
This however may be really slow on the day…….However you get yours, we wish your expectations are completely fulfilled.