GIBS 2024 Upcoming Event EU & Africa: Forging a New Partnership Post 2024

GIBS 2024 Upcoming Event EU & Africa: Forging a New Partnership Post 2024

​As part of the EU Inspiring Thinkers Debate Series the Gordon Institute of Business Science and  the Delegation of the European Union to South Africa cordially invite you to join them for a presentation and subsequent panel discussion themed “The EU & Africa, forging a new partnership post-2024”.


Pascal Lamy

Former European Trade Commissioner and Secretary-General of the World Trade Organisation; Mr Lamy is currently preparing the ground for discussions on future EU – Africa relations.

Peter Draper

Managing Director of the Tutwa Consulting Group & Senior Research Fellow at the South African Institute of International Affairs.

Additional Info

Registration: 17:45

Starts: 18:00

Ends: 19:30

A light dinner will be served after the event.

Want to attend but can’t afford to? email for one of the limited free seats.