Glencore Artisan Learnership Opportunity For 2025

Glencore Artisan Learnership Opportunity For 2025

Artisan learnership opportunity at Glencore has a mission to provide on-the-job experience to assist talented young generation of South Africa to build their own bridge for their bright future. Do you want to tag along? Nevertheless, to include this learnership program as one of your to do list to gain better future, be sure that you beforehand enrolled to as follow majors; diesel mechanic, electrical, fitting, boilermaker, and rigging. Put it aside, there are also some requirements qualified applicants should follow if they expect to win a position within the learnership.
You have to pass these four basic requirements, before you decide to send your application for artisan learnership program. Speak of requirements they are; strong interpersonal and communication skills, have bold understanding within HSEC system, hold grade 12, and you have full N2 in these following, diesel mechanic, electrical, fitting, rigging, and boilermaker. Just in case you both have interest and qualification to join the learnership opportunity that is designed by Glencore, you need as well preparing well-structured curriculum vitae that is completed with reference number (Ref. 1271). Once you are done with all of the preparation for the learnership opportunity, ensure that you send your application before you meet its closing date on March 2nd 2025.
However, where to submit the application for artisan learnership? Qualified applicants, you have four ways when it comes to apply the learnership opportunity, first you can send the earlier mentioned CV with reference number via email,, second, you can as well fax the CV, to 014 590 6002. Third, if you want to, the CV can be posted to, private bag x82288/Rustenburg 0300, and fourth, if you have more time, it is allowable to hand deliver the requested document to, Rustenburg Smelter/HR Office/44 Vanadium Street/Rustenburg. Keep in mind that any lateness in submitting the requested document will be considered as unsuccessful.