Glencore Engineering Learnership Programme
Interested toward engineering? Then, it is your opportunity to be a part 2025 engineering leanership programme held by Glencore. By following this learnership programme, you open yourself to bigger of opportunity in the world of engineering. Since, by following this learnership programme you will get deeper understanding for everything that relates to it. Glencore engineering learnership programme which is held in 2025 will offer you with four essential knowledges toward engineering such as biolermaking, fitting, instrumentation, and rigging. As the signature of learnership programme, by following this programme you will find not only mere theoretical things, but guess what? You also get something practical.
By being a part of Glencore Engineering Learneship programme for 2025, you will figure out how it feels to deal with engineering matter in the real world. Since, sometimes, what you will experience in the real world totally different from what you read on book. However, to join to this learnership programme you need to bring along the qualification from MQA SETA. Then, the closing for this learnership programme will be arrived on December 4th 2014. So, for learners to-be you need to take the action now.
Speaking toward action to take, these are some requirements for you to complete to be a successful applicant. The requirements are:
- You have to know Mechanical with appropriate trade theory (N2) together with Instrumentation with appropriate trade theory (N3);
- Technical Matric, Science, and Math with Matric with appropriate trade theory can be advantageous for Glencore engineering learnership programme;
- Pass the undergo aptitude test, and the last one you need to be physically healthy;
- To apply your application to this learnership programme put together your requirements, CV, and any certified copy of your highest qualification and statement to then, address it to the Human Resources Department.