Graduate Internship Programme At Dept Of Military Veterans

Graduate Internship Programme At Dept Of Military Veterans

Qualified unemployed graduates who look for ways for skill development, Dept of Military Veterans opens opportunity to participate their current graduate internship programme. You have some options for graduate to apply based on your qualification, they are labour relations, administrative assistant, financial accounting management,and human resources administration. Especially for administrative assistant, you have two options, first for director-general office, and second for office director financial or CFO. Making your chance for a 12 month graduate internship, when applying for the training program your age should be 18 to 35 years old. In addition, you need to hold diploma or degree that is suitable with the graduate intern program that you choose, or else, its relevant major.
You need form Z83 which you can access through the nearest Public Service department, before submitting the application for graduate internship programme. Detailed curriculum vitae, driver’s license, service of certificates, identity document, and qualification are other things you should attached. Please write down, comprehensively, in you curriculum vitae about your previous experience. In the case there are potential applicants with foreign qualifications, they need to put along SAQA evaluation report. Lastly, you need as well to attach proof of South Africa permanent residence.
Only if you are well-prepared, submit your application to, the Director-General/Dept of Military Veterans/Private Bag X943/Pretoria 0001. Another way to send your application for graduate internship programme at dept of military veterans, hand deliver your application to, corner 328 Festival and Arcadia Streets/Hatfield/Pretoria 0001. Note, the application will close on May 6th 2025, no late application will be considered. The chance for you is closed if previously you have criminal records. Anyway, further information for the training programme, you can contact 012 769 9355 (Mr Mailula). Finally, your application is successful if you get correspondence for interview in three months after the closing date.