Grootfontein Agricultural Development Institute Application / Aansoek 2025

Grootfontein Agricultural Development Institute Application / Aansoek 2025

Download the Application Form (please read important information below)
Laai die Aansoekvorm af  (lees asseblief die belangrike inligting hieronder)
APPLICATION FORM 2025.xlsx    Microsoft Excel  (56.6 Kb)
(Right-Click and select “Save Target As …” or “Save Link As …”)
Closing Date 30 August 2017
The College offers a three year study program. A Diploma in Agriculture can be obtained after successful completion of the three year study program. The course focuses on small stock production in the semi arid areas of South Africa.
The admission requirement for the study programme is a National Senior Certificate or its equivalent. Preference will be given to students who complied with the minimum requirements for Diploma study and with a mark of 50% or higher for English and / or Afrikaans.
Student’s current in Grade 12 can submit their application with their March Grade 12 results. Final Selection for admission of candidates is done and is based on June examination results obtained during the grade 12 year. If you already completed grade 12, your final results must be used.
The closing date for applications for the 2025 academic year is 30 August 2025. The selection of students starts during September 2025. Only students who have applied before the closing date will be considered for hostel accommodation.
You are advised to apply at other institutions as well since we can only accommodate a limited number of students.
Sluitingsdatum 30 Augustus 2025
Toelatingsvereistes vir die studieprogram is ‘n Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat of gelykwaardige kwalifikasie. Keuring vir toelating van kandidate word gedoen op basis van die eksamenuitslae behaal gedurende die Graad 12 jaar. U kan u aansoek indien met u Maart Graad 12 uitlsae. Finale keuring word op die Junie Graad 12 uitslae gedoen. Hierdie uitslae moet voor die sluitingsdatum aan die Kollege voorsien word.
Voorkeur sal gegee word aan studente wat voldoen aan die minimum vereistes vir Diplomastudies en wat 50% of hoër vir Afrikaans en / of Engels behaal het.
Die sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke vir die 2025 akademiese jaar is 30 Augustus 2025. Die keuring begin gedurende September 2025.
U word aanbeveel om by ander instansies ook aansoek te doen aangesien ons slegs ’n beperkte aantal studente kan inneem.
Slegs studente wat voor bogenoemde afsnydatum aansoek doen, kom in aanmerking vir koshuisverblyf.
Me Elana Kitching
Private Bag / Privaatsak X529
Tel: (049) 8026723        Fax/Faks: (049) 8421477
eMail: Elana Kitching