Harambee Youth Employment Accelerators:Send CVs for Employment Opportunities

Harambee Youth Employment Accelerators:Send CVs for Employment Opportunities

Harambee Youth Employment Accelerators is a free service that helps young South Africans overcome many of the difficulties they face in finding and keeping their first job.

Our assessments and training help you get and keep a real job at a real company.

We help young people with a matric or equivalent qualification who have been looking for a permanent full-time job, but haven’t been able to find one.
We also help young people who have a university degree or other tertiary qualifications but haven’t been able to find a job.
Most people find their jobs through a social network – school or university, friends, family or previous work experience.
For people who don’t have these social networks, networks that link to jobs, finding a job is difficult.
Harambee works to create this kind of social network for young work-seekers.
Research by the Development Bank of South Africa shows that a young South African who can get and keep a first job for at least 12 months has an 85% chance of being employed for the rest of their lives.
Harambee is calling upon all unemployed young people who reside in Johannesburg and meet the below criteria!!!!
To qualify you need to:
• 18 to 34 years (opportunities available for those over 29 are limited)
• Have a valid South African ID
• Have at least a Grade 11 completed 1 year before application
• Persons with a disability require a minimum of a Grade 9
• Are currently unemployed
• Educated at a previously disadvantaged school
• Not employed in one job for longer than one year
• Are hungry for an opportunity
• Have never been blacklisted
• Have no criminal record
• Have not been permanently employed for more than 12 months
• Have been actively looking for work for more than six months


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