HR Graduate Internship Program At Dept Of Water And Sanitation
Getting yourself the opportunity to apply HR graduate internship at Dept Of Water and Sanitation, you need first to have degree or national diploma from Social Science or Human Resources Management. Another, you hold something like NQF 6 or above. The rest of requirements for the graduate internship, it will include, (1) you are unemployed graduates with no previous experience related the graduate internship program that you apply, (2) ages around 17 to 35 years old, and(3) never apply for similar graduate internship program, since your application will be not considered if later on you are red-handed used to be an intern in certain internship program.
Inspired to join HR graduate internship from Dept Of Water and Sanitation, the official requires you to prepare form Z83 that is accessible from any government office, identity document of South Africa (certified copy), current curriculum vitae, qualifications (certified copy), and statement of result if available. Submit your application with requested documents to, Dept of Water and Sanitation/Private Bag X350/Pretoria-0001. Hand deliver your application is also allowed by directly bring your application to, Continental Building/corner Cnr Visagie and Bosman/Street/Pretoria (For attention: Ms C Mazibuko), before the closing date of the graduate internship program in April 22nd 2025.
Bear in mind that within your application for HR graduate internship program, you need to tag along the reference number for graduate internship program (Ref: 220416/1). Those suitable graduates that are considered successful will receive correspondence by the official, however, if you don’t find any, you can assume that your application is not considered. It takes about two months from the closing date for the official to contact you. If you expect to know more about the bursary, inquires are acceptable by delivering it through 012 336 7098 (Ms C Mazibuko). Only if you hold foreign qualifications, you need to tag along evaluation from SAQA.