Warren Editions, as a professional printmaking studio in Cape Town, invites printmakers, students and/or individuals interested in the print medium to participate in the Internship Programme. Over the course of two months, interns will work alongside the WE team on the projects that the studio is busy with at the time.

Internships at Warren Editions, Cape Town
The emphasis at Warren Editions extends beyond printer/artist collaboration, intaglio, monotype, and relief processes to print administration, archiving and studio maintenance. As such, interns are able to gain a wider scope of what goes on in a professional printmaking studio; from ‘pre-production’, process based technique and execution, through to post-production (admin) and preparing prints for an exhibition.
Therefore, each individual internship takes shape in accordance to the project that Warren Editions is involved at the time. Simply put, an internship may fall over a two-month period whereby, Warren Editions is working on large monotypes and/or spitbite aquatint, relief printing, an intense collaborative project with a specific artist and/or preparing for an exhibition or art fair.
Internship guidelines

  • The internship is for a minimum of 2.5 days a week and will require at least a two-month commitment.
  • The internship is unpaid, but the intern will receive studio access outside the internship hours to make his/her own prints. And the intern is encouraged to do so – thereby actively learning through autonomous execution, about print processes.
  • Even though Warren Editions will endeavour to make the experience of the internship a positive one, the intern is still ultimately responsible for the extent of his/her own experience of the internship program.

How to apply for the internship program
Email the following to