Submit your work to be part of the IVAHM New Media Arts Festival in Madrid (Spain)

IVAHM Festival 2025 - open call
Deadline 1 April 2025
OBJECTIVES: The International Video Art House Madrid is an initiative to support contemporary video artists and promote their work internationally.
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: We are only selecting works made after 1st January of 2025. There is no time limit for the submissions and the competition has no specific theme.
VERSIONS: All works in languages other than English or Spanish must include subtitles in any of these languages.
SUBMISSIONS: Submission forms must be completed through our website, you will find the link to the submission form on the IVAHM 2025 website. Please attach a link of the works on Vimeo you wish to submit (please add the password if needed). You can send a copy in DVD if you prefer. There is no submission fee. Deadline is on the 01 of April 2025.
PROGRAMME AND EXHIBITION RIGHTS: The organisation reserves the right to show the selected works in as many public screening as considered necessary by the organisation, with previous notification to the artist. Producers will authorise the public screenings freely. The IVAHM Festival carries out a nomadic tour every year with visits other art festivals. Screenings at these art centres will always be previously notified to the artist.
CATALOGUE AND PUBLICITY FOR THE FESTIVAL: The producers and/or directors of the works will provide the material necessary for the preparation of the Festival’s catalogue and the publicity for the festival. Producers and participants, by submitting their works, are authorising the use of one or several fragments of their films to show as publicity of the Festival in the media. For this purpose, producers and/or directors will provide the Festival with a selection of fragments that will last no longer than three minutes or 20% of the total for pieces shorter than 10 minutes. The organisation will give further details of the material needed to producers, by getting in touch with the person responsible for the works. When filling in the submission forms, please specify the contact details of the person responsible for the works.
OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Once the works have been selected for any of the Festival’s sections, these will not be withdrawn. IVAHM may make copies in video and DVD of the works shown, which will be incorporated to the centre’s video archive destined to the promotion of audiovisual work. The organisation will also include all the selected works in the CIDV online video archive (www.cidv.org) as part of the IVAHM 2025 programme. In any case, IVAHM will previously notify any use of the works to artists and producers. By submitting your works via the submissions form, you fully agree to the terms and conditions listed above. The directors of the organisation reserve the right to interpret these terms and conditions.
To apply and for further information, visit: www.ivahm.com