Jobs: Military Veterans
NB: Kindly note that preference will be given to military veterans. The Department of military veterans is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer. It is our intention to promote representivity (race, gender and disability) through the filling of these posts and candidates whose appointment/promotion/transfer will promote representivity will receive preference.
Director: Policy Analyst
Reference: DMV 001/2025
An all-inclusive salary package: R898 743 per annum (Level 13)
Requirements: A graduate degree in the Humanities and Policy Development e.g political science, governance, law or with social degree with modules in governance, public policy, political studies is the minimum requirement. A post-graduate degree in policy, governance, public administration or related fields is a preference. 5 -10 years appropriate managerial experience in policy development, analysis and review related duties as a Deputy Director. The successful candidates must be willing to undergo security clearance processes before appointment, a valid driver’s code 08 license. The applicant must have a very good understanding of governance and policy development processes. The successful applicant should be able to have wide network in the broader government establishment, especially security, veterans and foreign affairs. A demonstrated ability to write research reports and a policy research experience is a requirement for the job. A demonstrated knowledge of government procurement processes and the PFMA is essential.
Key Performance Areas/Duties: Areas/Duties: Conduct policy research, analysis and provides recommendations and reports military affairs. Ensure DMV strategy and operations plans are aligned to departmental and national policy. Collaborate with Monitoring and Evaluation to enhance the implementation of policies, practices and procedures. Research comparative benefits related theories and practices to inform military veteran’s policies. Maintain and enhance stakeholder (Interest groups and academics etc) relations through regular consultations with relevant civil society crime prevention initiatives within the policing community of the South African environment. Assist provincial spheres of government in developing military veteran’s policies to ensure strategic alignment with national military veteran’s policies and strategies. Manage the policy directorate and measure organizational performance accordingly. Develop policy and discussion papers on aspects of military veterans’ affairs as requested by the Chief Director and EXCO. Manage the secretariat of the department policy committee and that of the advisory committee Report of the Chief Director: Policy and Research and on policy development processes.
Director: Socio-economic Support Programmes (education support, pension and social relief of distress)
Reference: DMV 002/2025
An all-inclusive salary package: R898 743 per annum (Level 13)
Requirements: An appropriate Bachelor’s degree/National Diploma or equivalent qualification, 5-10 years relevant managerial experience, Insight into legislation, which impacts on the administration of Military Veterans affairs, thorough understanding of policy analysis, formulation and interpretation and understanding of Public Service Regulatory Prescripts. Insight into broad legislation which impacts on the administration of Education Support, Pension and Social Relief of Distress.
Key Performance/Duties: Develop, Manage and give technical support on the implementation of military veterans socio-economic support policies, regulations, practices and procedures relating to education support, pension and Social relief of distress. Monitor and review Military Veterans Socio-Economic support strategies, policies and plans. Manage Military Veterans Socio-Economic information for reporting purposes and produce reports thereof. Oversee Military Veterans Socio-Economic programmes and related projects. Report on strategic frameworks in the area of functional responsibility. Monitor the implementation of Military Veterans Socio-Economic support according to departmental objectives. Participate in the development of operational plans of the Chief Directorate. Participate in the preparation of service level agreements and ensure implementation thereof. Determine possible future need for service by conducting a gap analysis. Identify line function departments and other services providers. Design and maintain analytical reports beneficial to the department. Participate and monitor contract drafting and prepare bids and proposals where necessary. Implement and monitor service level agreements. Establish and maintain a data-base of all stakeholders/clients. Develop, monitor and evaluate the referral, service delivery protocols and systems and ensure compliance. Ensure quality reporting on sourcing of goods and services. Consolidate procurement plan based on inputs from various stakeholders. Develop partnerships and network with relevant stakeholders. Establish and maintain good relations within the department, NGO’s and all stakeholders. Liaise and co-ordinate with governmental, non-governmental institutions and other structures and organizations on benefits and access. Represent the department in various meetings. Manage resources (physical, human and financial). Ensure proper implementation of the budget by monitoring, projecting & reporting expenditure. Monitor and report on the utilisation of equipment. Evaluate and monitor performance and appraisal of employees. Ensure capacity and development of staff. Enhance and maintain employee motivation and cultivate a culture of performance management.
Director: Supply Chain Management (2 Years Contract)
Chief Directorate: Financial Management
Reference: DMV 003/2025
An all-inclusive salary package: R898 743 per annum (Level 13)
Requirements: A recognised B Degree or Diploma in commerce, financial management, supply chain or any appropriate qualification A minimum of 5-10 years’ experience at middle / senior management level executing supply chain related duties. Must have knowledge of organisational and government structures, PFMA, Treasury Regulations and guidelines. Applicable legislative and regulatory framework, supply chain management related regulations, practice notes, circulars, policy frameworks, PPPFA and its associated regulations, SCM: A guide to Accounting Officers and Authorities, BBBEE Act, Government wide policies. Ability to interpret and apply policies and legislations. Must be able to perform skills of report writing, research, people management, leadership, problem solving, presentation, analytical, motivational, decision making, facilitation and all other general management skills.
Key Performance Areas / Duties: Develop and oversee the implementation of the supply chain management system by developing and ensuring an established and effective supply chain management system including: an established and capacitated SCM unit with official components within the Office of the CFO, approved and implemented departmental policies and procedures, implemented effective anti-corruption measures, and approved and implemented delegations of authority, that are compliant with the applicable legislative requirements. Establish the bid specification, bid evaluation and bid adjudication committee, and oversee the proper functioning of such committees by ensuring that: Effective bid committees are established with clearly defined roles, functioning in accordance with applicable legislative requirements. Manage the Demand Management process by ensuring that the approved demand management process is effectively managed, including: needs assessment, categorisation of commodities, availability of funds, market assessment and industry analysis, identify methods of procurements, identify preferential procurement policy objectives, specifications/terms of reference and life cycle costing. Identify preference points system and appropriate goals per commodity in line with preferential procurement policy objectives. These must be in compliant with: Preferential procurement goals determined in accordance with departmental policies and procedures and complaint with applicable legislative requirements. Oversee bid/quotation process that is effective, cost-efficient and is maintained in accordance with departmental policies and procedures and compliant with applicable legislative requirements. Oversee the management of logistics operations that is effective, efficient and complies with departmental policies and procedures and compliant with applicable legislative requirements. Develop and oversee the implementation of assets management and the disposal plan. This includes the development and maintenance of a sound assets management system. The assets management system should be developed in accordance to internal policies and procedures and all applicable legislative requirements. Assets management is inclusive of fleet management. Timely reporting of supply chain management information to internal and external stakeholders in compliance with departmental policies and procedures and applicable legislative requirements. Develop and oversee an effective SCM performance management system in accordance with departmental policies, procedures and applicable legislative requirements, that measures performance of: suppliers, the SCM unit, and the Department. Complete and manage the annual SCM risk assessment, development of the SCM risk universe and risk response plan. Ensure an effective utilisation of LOGIS for provisioning, procurement, stock control, assets management and reporting
Deputy Director: Provincial Coordinator (Kwazulu-Natal)
Reference: DMV 004/2025
An all-inclusive salary package: R612 822 p.a (Level 11)
Requirements: An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree/National Diploma or equivalent with 3-5 years appropriate working experience and understanding of Public Service Administration, a good Knowledge of Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Labour Relation Act and other employment legislations, good office management skills, good organisational skills, good inter-personal relations, coordination skills. Be able to work independently.
Key Performance Areas / Duties: Administer the provision of provincial offices management services by implementing provincial operational plans in line with the strategic objectives of the department and report thereof. Implement regulatory framework for provincial management services and cooperative governance. Coordinate skills development programmes for Military Veterans. Assist Military Veterans with and coordinate employment placement programmes. Coordinate provincial Military Veterans honor, ceremonial and heritage functions. Manage SLA with line function department and other service providers. Manage provincial Military Veterans inspection programmes. Coordinate the provision of all the posthumous services (heritage, burials, re-burials, exhumations and repatriation) iro Military Veterans in the province. Provide Military Veterans with first-line support and assistance on their services and benefits. Compile Military Veterans profiles, update their records and manage provincial Military Veterans resources systems. Monitor and ensure effective and efficient co-ordination of activities in the provincial office and at the access points. Develop operational standards and ensure the attainability and sustainability. Compile monthly, quarterly and annual reports. Plan, organize and control activities pertaining to the provincial office and in access points. Implement service level agreements. Distribute resources to other service areas. Manage service delivery and performance of regional offices and access points. Be able to manage provincial office independently.
Deputy Director: Policy Analyst
Reference: DMV 005/2025
An all-inclusive salary package: R612 822 per annum (Level 11)
Requirements: A graduate degree in the Humanities and Policy Development e.g political science, governance, law or with social degree with modules in governance, public policy, political studies is the minimum requirement. A post-graduate degree in policy, governance, public administration or related fields is a preference. 3 -5 years at middle management level executing policy development, analysis and review related duties as Assistant Director. The successful candidates must be willing to undergo security clearance processes before appointment, a valid driver’s code 08 license. The applicant must have a very good understanding of governance and policy development processes. The successful applicant should be able to have wide network in the broader government establishment, especially security, veterans and foreign affairs. A demonstrated ability to write research reports and a policy research experience is a requirement for the job. A demonstrated knowledge of government procurement processes and the PFMA is essential.
Key performance areas/duties: Areas/Duties: Implement policy development processes, develop sustainable Military Veterans policies through the pro-vision of administrative, technical and logistical support. Assist provincial spheres of government in developing Military Veterans related policies in order to ensure strategic alignment with the national policy. Undertake policy research, analysis Conduct policy research, analysis and provide feedback to the department regarding policies. Support the development of policy and discussion paper on military veterans’ affairs. Provide support in the alignment of departmental policies through the interpretation of applicable laws, strategic as well as political policy determinations. Support the introduction and understanding of new and revised policies, guide the departmental functionaries in the development of new policies and provide support in the development of new priority policies. Undertake policy review processes, continuously evaluate and review Military Veterans policies in order to align them with appropriate laws and national governments’ objectives. Analyse and provide inputs on policies, conduct general and comparative policy research, analysis, review and provide feedback to the department, support the undertaking of general and specific literature review on national and international best practices regarding policy models. Handle the provision of secretariat services to the departmental policy committee and the advisory committee. Support the policy implementation, interpretation and u understanding processes, support the implementation of mechanism and consultative processes in order to ensure proper rulings in the case of uncertainties and disputes in relation to policies. Support the implementation of workshops and work session in the in the department in order to ensure continued awareness and understanding in relation to policies, associated strategies and guidelines. Provide administrative, technical and logistical support in demarcating and ensuring mutual understanding of respective roles and responsibilities in relation to policies. Man-age the establishment of networks with stakeholders and the maintenance thereof, support consultative interactions with stakeholders and partners on policies and develop and maintain policy stakeholders and partners database.
Deputy Director: Auxiliary & Registry
Chief Directorate: Financial Management
Reference: DMV 006/2025
Salary/Package: R612 822p.a (Level 11)
Requirements: An appropriate Bachelors degree/National Diploma in Public Administration. Candidates with alternative qualifications or prior learning will also be considered. 3-5 years relevant first level managerial experience in records management environment. Insight into legislations and other prescripts, which impacts on records management (National Archives and Records of SA Act 43 of 1996, Promotion of Access to information Act, 2000).Thorough understanding of policy analysis, formulation and interpretation. Understanding of Public Service Regulatory Framework
Key Performance Areas / Duties: Develop and manage the implementation of records management and auxiliary policies, practices, procedures, guidelines and policies in accordance with the national legislation. Ensure that records managed according to relevant legislative prescripts. Ensure the implementation of a Disaster Recovery Plan. Ensure the implementation of the Departmental records management policies. Ensure the development, implementation and maintenance of Departmental Electronic Records Management System that is compliant with relevant prescripts. Advise management and the department on Records Management practices, procedures, guidelines and policies. Monitor and evaluate the compliance of the filing system to the National Archiving Act. Conduct research and impact analysis pertaining to Records Management practices, procedures, processes and policies in the Department. Monitor and evaluate management and utilization of records. Apply and implement a policy on document economy. Developing and implementing records management systems and procedures, departmental File Plan and records control schedule for correspondences. Manage the archives, the filing system and maintain a Departmental Electronic/Manual Records Management System. Conduct inspection on records keeping and ensure the security of records. Develop and maintain a Disaster Recovery Plan, draw up and manage a:- Retention Schedule, Registry Procedure Manual, Records Survey, Transfer of Records Procedure and Vital Records Protection Program. Develop a system that will integrate the collection, opening and distribution of mail. Manage the faxing, speed mail, etc. Ensure service delivery improvement regarding delivery of documents, telephones, typing and cleaning management. Monitor and evaluate management and utilization of resources e.g. telephones in the Department. Co-ordinate and maintain cleaning services through the maintenance of the workplace facilities (offices, boardrooms and other facilities). Ensure the provision of food aid and office support services. Monitor and ensure proper utilization of equipment (e.g. photocopier, switchboard and fax machines). Manage messenger and postal/mail services. Develop partnerships and network with relevant stakeholders. Manage resources (human and physical).
Administrative Officer
Chief Directorate: Research & Policy Development
Reference: DMV 007/2025
Salary/Package: R211 194 p.a (Level 7)
Requirements: A diploma or Degree in Office Management, Public administration or equivalent qualification, 2-3 years’ experience at clerical or senior clerical level or as an intern in a relevant office.
Key Performance/Duties: Provide secretariat support services by typing documents, take minutes during meetings. Compile and distribute agendas and minutes. Circulate and collect attendance registers during meetings. Receive and re-route incoming calls. Record and relate massages. Operate and ensure that office equipment is in good working order. Coordinate and schedule meetings. Coordinate the provision of refreshments and water during meetings. Follow-up with the supervisor regarding scheduled meetings and appointments. Manage the cancellation and rescheduling of appointments. Provide records management and filing services. Ensure the effective flow of information to and from the office. Receive and register incoming correspondence. File and safe keep documents in line with the file plan and other relevant regulations and practice. Register and distribute outgoing correspondence. Maintain the confidentiality of documents. Receive clients and visitors. Receive and seat visitors. Provide refreshments to clients and visitors where necessary. Respond to general enquiries of visitors. Manage the tidiness of the office. Provide administrative and logistical support services. Order stationary for the office, serve as a chief user clerk and coordinate the procurement of Office supplies, computer consumables and stationary for the office. Check invoices for correctness and certify them for payment. Coordinate the payment of invoices. Make bookings for venues, accommodation and manage travel arrangements. Ensure the processing of S&T and overtime. Collate and compile reports and any other information as requested. Obtain the necessary signatures on documents. Scrutinise documents to determine actions. Manage the leave register and the submission of leave forms for the office. Monitor budget spending for the office in order to note under and over utilisation. Collect and coordinate all documents that relate to the budget and funding requirements.
Administrative Officer
Chief Directorate: Heritage, Memorials, Burials and Honour Services
Reference: DMV 008/2025
Salary/Package: R171 069 per annum (Level: 6)
Requirements: A diploma or degree in Office Management, Public Administration or equivalent qualification and 2-3 years’ experience at clerical or senior clerical level or as an intern in relevant office. Be able to work independently. Knowledge, skills, training and competencies required: Relevant legislation, policies, prescript and procedures. Information management, basic financial/ budget management, basic knowledge of MS office programs and operating switchboard equipment. Computer skills, Interpersonal skills, telephone etiquette, customer relations skills, office management skills, organizational skills, communication skills and problem solving skills. Interpersonal relations, integrity courteousness, responsive, credibility, commitment and loyalty.
Key Performance/Duties: Provide secretarial support services such as typing of documents, take minutes during meetings, compile and distribute agendas and minutes , receive and routine incoming calls, record and relate messages, operate and ensure that office equipment is in good working order, coordinate and schedule meetings, coordinate the provision of refreshment and water during meetings, follow up with the supervisor regarding scheduled meetings and appointments and manage the cancellation and rescheduling of appointments. Provide records management and filling services, ensure the effective flow of information to and from the office, receive and register incoming correspondence, file and safe keep documents in line with the file plan and other relevant regulations and practice, register and distribute outgoing correspondence and maintain the confidentiality of documents. Receive clients and visitors, receive and seat visitors, provide refreshment to clients and visitors where necessary, respond to general queries of visitors and manage tidiness of the office. Provide administrative and logistical support services, order stationery for the office, serve as a chief user clerk and coordinate the procurement of office supplies, computer consumables and stationery for the office, check invoices for correctness and certify them for payment, coordinate the payment of invoices, make bookings for venues , accommodation and man-age travel arrangement, collate and compile reports and any other information as requested, obtain the necessary signatures on documents, scrutinise documents to determine actions, manage the leave register and the submission of leave forms for the office, monitor budget spending for the office in order to note under and over utilisation and collect and coordinate all documents that relate to the budget and funding requirements.
Administrator: Assets Management
Chief Directorate: Financial Management
Reference: DMV 009/2025
Salary/Package: R171 069 per annum (Level: 6)
Requirements: A recognised B Degree or Diploma in commerce, financial management, supply chain or any appropriate qualification. Previous experience on assets management may be an advantage. Must have knowledge of Public Finance Management Act, Supply chain management related policies, guidelines, instructions and directives. Government wide policies. Ability to interpret and apply policies and legislations
Key Performance/Duties: Monitor Assets Register and address variances by ensuring timely update of the assets register, reconcile assets register with trial balance and reconciliation, and ensure source of variances are addressed at all times. Barcode and update the inventory list with all newly acquired assets. Conduct timely assets verification by identifying losses at Least Quarterly. Conduct monthly spot checks on assets. Conduct, administer disposals and write-offs. Compile assets movement reports i.e. Additions, reallocations, disposals and any other related transactions. Update records for lease and warranties of assets and keep records. Update and maintain the register for all leased assets including Fleet and Cell Phones. Facilitate and keep records for all the movement of assets. Maintain the inventory list by ensuring that it is update and signed by the end users. Follow up on losses and ensure that the assets register is updated. Utilise LOGIS for the maintenance of assets. Provide support to the SCM and Finance for all daily and quarterly reporting including the preparation of annual financial statement.
Invitation to serve on the Department of Military Veterans Risk Committee
The Department of Military Veterans has been established to facilitate delivery and coordination of all activities that recognizes and entrench the restoration of dignity and appreciation of the contribution of military veterans to our freedom and nation building.
Chairperson: Risk Management Committee (DMV)
Reference: DMV 010/2025
The Department of Military Veterans is inviting interested independent and suitably qualified individual for appointment as chairperson of the Risk Management Committee for a period of three (3) years.
Requirements: MBA/MBL/CASA. Applicants should have extensive experience in corporate governance, strong leadership, analytical and good communication skills, sound knowledge and including, (a) in possession of a post degree or equivalent qualification in any of the following fields: Accounting/Risk Management/Financial Management/Auditing/Legal or Business/ Information Communication Technology, b), at least 12+ years’ experience in the risk management environment, c) should be independent and knowledgeable of the status of their positions as a chairperson, (d) a member of a professional body, (e) having experience of serving in Boards of Directors and/or similar committees.
The following will be an added advantage: Experience in or knowledge of the public sector. Knowledge and understanding of internal controls, project management, governance, risk management principles and accounting practices. Knowledge and understanding of and exposure to legislation/policies (Risk Management and Corporate Governance, EWRM, COSO model, PSRMF, PFMA, GRAP, GAAP, Treasury Regulations and relevant legislation and practice notes). Knowledge and understanding of ICT, including the roles of internal and external audit.Integrity, dedication, inquisitiveness within reasonableness of probing, an enquiring mind, analytical reasoning abilities, and a good understanding of the committee’s position in the governance structure, thorough understanding of corporate governance principles.
Role and Responsibilities: The candidate will chair the Department’s Risk Management Committee and discharge its responsibilities as set out in the Risk Management charter, regulations/codes: to provide an oversight role regarding: monitoring the implementation of risk management within the Department, review the risk policies, strategies and other working procedures. Review the risk management action plans to be instituted and ensure compliance with such plans. Integration of risk management into planning, monitoring and reporting processes. Review the risk appetite and tolerance levels of the Department. Provide reports to the Director General on a quarterly basis, management and other oversight committees. Implementation of risk maturity model. The risk management committee shall meet at least three times yearly.
Applications must be accompanied by a comprehensive curriculum vitae as well as certified copies of qualifications and identity document. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that foreign qualifications are evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). This is not a full time appointment. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews
Remuneration: Chairperson will be remunerated in accordance with the rates as determined by National Treasury from time to time.
Members: Risk Management Committee (DMV) (5 x members)
Reference: DMV 011/2025
The Department of Military Veterans is inviting interested independent and suitably qualified individuals to serve on the Audit Committee, established in terms of section 76(4) and 77 of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) read together with chapter 3 of Treasury Regulations for a minimum period of three (3) years.
Requirements: Applicants should have extensive experience in corporate governance, strong leadership, analytical and good communication skills, sound knowledge and including, (a) in possession of a relevant post graduate qualification with at least 10+ years’ experience in any of the following fields: Accounting/Auditing/Financial Management/Legal or Business/ Information Communication Technology, and Monitoring and Evaluation), should be independent and knowledgeable of the status of their positions as members, (c) A member of a professional body. (d) Have experience of serving in Boards of Directors and/or similar committees. The following will be added advantages: Post graduate qualifications. Experience in or knowledge of the public sector. Highly specialised knowledge of internal controls and accounting practices. Major accounting and public sector reporting frameworks/models. Intensive knowledge and understanding of and exposure to legislation/policies (PFMA, GRAP, GAAP, Treasury Regulations and other relevant legislation and practice notes). Knowledge and understanding of ICT, including the roles of internal and external audit. Integrity, dedication, inquisitiveness within reasonableness of probing, an enquiring mind, analytical reasoning abilities, and a good understanding of the committee’s position in the governance structure, thorough understanding of corporate governance principles.
Responsibilities: To execute roles and responsibilities as outlined in chapter 3 of Treasury Regulations issued in terms of the PFMA and provide advice to the Executive Authority and Accounting Officer of the Department of Military Veterans on matters relating to: Internal Audit and Internal Financial Controls; Risk Management; Accounting policies and frameworks; Legal and Information Communication Technology matters; review the annual financial statement to provide the department with an authoritative and credible view of the financial position of the DMV, its efficiency and effectiveness and its overall level of compliance with the relevant acts, legislation, policies and procedures; adequacy, reliability and accuracy of financial reporting and performance information; effective governance; respond to issues raised by the Auditor-General in the audit report; Carry out such investigations into the financial affairs of the Department as may be requested by the Executive Authority; perform such other functions as may be prescribed.
Term of Office for Risk and Audit Committees
The term of office will run effective immediately upon appointment for a period of three years.
Directions to candidates:
The suitable candidates will be selected with the intention of promoting representivity and achieving affirmative action targets, as contemplated in the relevant components Employment Equity Plan.
The Department reserves the right not to appoint any applicants to these positions and to conduct pre-employment security screening.
NB: Preference will be given to military veterans
Applications must be submitted on form Z83 obtainable from any Public Service Department, and should be accompanied by comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (previous experience must be comprehensively detailed) and certified copies of qualifications, service certificates, driver’s license and Identification Document. Applicants with foreign qualification must be submitting a SAQA evaluation report on the qualification. Non-SA citizens must attach a certified copy of proof of permanent residence in South Africa. In addition to completing the Z83, applicants are required to disclose any pending criminal, disciplinary or any other adverse allegation or investigation against them. Applicants must also provide the full names, address and telephone numbers of at least 3 references. Failure to submit the requested documents may results in your application not being considered (applications lacking evidence of relevant experience will not be considered). If you apply for more than one post in the Department, please submit a separate application form for each post. Applicants will be expected to be available for selection interviews at a time, date and place determined by the Department. If you have not been contacted for an interview within three (3) months of the closing date, please assume that your application was not successful. Kindly note that a security clearance and verification of qualification by SAQA will be conducted to successful shortlisted candidates.
Correspondence will be entered into with short-listed candidates only.
Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Unless otherwise stated, please forward applications, quoting the relevant reference number, to The Director: Human Resource Management, Department of Military Veterans, Private Bag X943, Pretoria, 0001 or may be hand delivered at corner 328 Festival & Arcadia Streets, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0001. All enquiries should be directed to: Ms Dineo Masemola or Mr Caiphus Mailula (012) 765 9325,
Closing date: 17 March 2025
Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.