Kantey & Templer Bursary: Solution For Cost-Free Education

Kantey & Templer Bursary: Solution For Cost-Free Education

Kantey & Templer bursary is proudly presented by the leading engineering consultant company in South Africa, Kantey & Templer Ltd. The bursary offers easy and great opportunities to the talented South African youth for their academic deserve and personal circumstance. Kantey & Templer Ltd is ready to help students to shape their future in engineering sector so do not miss the chance. Find out more about the bursary below.

About Kantey & Templer Ltd
Kantey & Templer bursaryKantey & Templer Lts was first founded by Basil Kantey in 1953. The focus of the company is in providing management of professional and quality engineering expertise to Africa. Kantey & Templer Ltd converts their engineering concepts into electrical, geotechnical, mechanical, roads, petrochemical, structural, contamination and environment projects. The services for clients ranging from technical advices to total designs and construction package.
The Available Fields of Study

Kantey & Templer bursary aims to encourage every South African youth to build their future with great achievement through Engineering careers. Therefore, the eligible fields of study for the bursary are university , univeristy of technology degree or Diploma that related to Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering.
The Criterion For Bursary
Kantey & Templer bursary has several requirements that all applicants are expected to adhere them and those requirements are:

  • All applicants must South African citizen
  • Applicants with previously disadvantaged background and academically deserving will be given priorities
  • Students who have completed the first degree and first year of tertiary study with good academic results are preferred
  • University of Technology students who has obtained bursary since the first two semester will have their experiential training period. Successful bursars will be required to work in Kantey & Templer nearest office during mid-year and year-end vacation.

The bursary value will be awarded based on consideration on the merits of the application and the course applied. Kantey & Templer bursary will cover full academic fees as well as books and for exceptional situation also include accommodation allowance. The bursary will be paid directly to the related university.
Successful bursars will be obliged to work-back in Kantey & Templer’s office at least 12 months of every year they were in bursary.
Applying For Bursary
Kantey & Templer bursary closing date will be on September 30. The application form for Kantey & Templer bursary can be retrieved here:
After completing the Kantey & Templer bursary application form, please attach the needed documents, like valid South African ID and latest academic results to: