Kioko Gallery Open Call

Kioko Gallery Open Call

Kiosko invites artists, curators and Bolivian and international researchers working in any of the languages of contemporary art, to submit applications for a residence in our area of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.

Kiosko offers ten (10) residencies, each lasting about two months, and which will run from March 2025 to April 2025.
Among the main objectives of our residency program is the generation of encounter, dialogue and exchange of knowledge and experiences; A space where ideas and processes intersect allowing reflection and learning in the practices and enrichment of the contents.
We encourage participants to take risks in their own practice and to experiment, engage with the local artistic community and interact with society in general.
As part of the residency activities, participants should offer a public talk about their work, a talk or workshop for students, and a final presentation within the framework of an Open Day at Kiosko.
For more information on the residencies available at KIOSKO visit:


The selection will be made based on the quality and clarity of the proposals, and in relation to the portfolio works.
Required requirements and formats:

  • Form of registration in PDF format (complete with your data and corresponding signature). Download: Link
  • A PDF document that includes: updated CV (with photo), 2 letters of recommendation and Portfolio / Dossier with up to 20 images of recent work and previous work (each image with data sheet and explanatory text)
  • A document in PDF format that includes: Proposed application to the residence with a description of the project including text and sketch / drawing (maximum 30 images).

Applications should be sent by e – mail to by 17 September 2025.
The 3 documents must not exceed 4MB in total for sending by e-mail and must be sent in a single mail with subject: APPLICATION TO RESIDENCES 2025-2026.
Applications that do not have the complete documentation and in the corresponding formats, will not be taken into account for the selection .
Kiosko provides space for:

  •  Housing: Single room with private bathroom, closet and desk (located on top level to cafe / bar with music from Tuesday to Saturday and public social court).
  •  Workshop, kitchen and living: Shared spaces to share
  •  Exhibition: Sala Kiosko


  •  50% international ticket (from the permanent address of the applicant)
  •  100% national ticket
  •  Amount to help with expenses of stay, production and exhibition
  •  Groups of up to two artists will be considered, but only an economic scholarship will be awarded.
  •  Each selected artist must have current medical insurance, which will be managed independently by the applicant.

Upon completion of the residency, a final documentation report must be submitted.
Submission deadline: September 17, 2025
Selection notice: October 23, 2025 
For more information contact Kiosko Gallery.
Tel: +591 (3) 3396626