KwaDukuza Municipality: Bursary / Scholarship Programme 2025

KwaDukuza Municipality: Bursary / Scholarship Programme 2025

Closing Date: 18 January 2025

The purpose of the Bursary Scheme is to provide Registration / Admission Fee assistance to academically deserving, needy and historically disadvantaged students.


  • Grade 12 with University entrance/endorsement
  • Applicants must reside in KwaDukuza (and must produce original Proof of residents)

KwaDukuza Municipality wishes to call for  applications for bursaries from potential students residing within KwaDukuza Area of jurisdiction, who intend to further their studies in any of the reputable and recognized public tertiary institution within the Republic of South Africa.
Applicants must be eligible to register for full-time under-graduate studies or should be studying towards a recognized (National Diploma or Degree at an accredited South African higher education institution to pursue their studies in any fi eld
The bursary is open to all fi elds of studies. A minimum of 60% of the available budget will cover students who intend pursuing non- scarce skills required by local government.
The below local government scarce skills will be allocated only 40% of the available bursary budget.
Built Environment (Architecture, Construction Management, Quantity Surveying, Town & Regional Planning, Civil engineering, Electrical Engineering (Heavy Current),etc.)
Commerce (Logistics or Supply Chain Management, Internal Audit, Accounting, Property Valuation, Risk management, Public finance)
Environmental Management, Horticulture, Occupational Health and Safety, Library Science, Performance Management/ Monitoring & Evaluation, Housing, Legal, Community and Economic Development studies, Local government management.
The following must accompany your application:
1. Letter of motivation (explain why you believe you are deserving of a bursary).
2. An original certifi ed copy of your matric statement of results as well as a certifi ed copy of your endorsed (B/D) Matric certifi cate (with Matric exemption)
3. An original certifi ed copy of your offi cial progress report, indicating marks, symbols, percentages obtained in all examinations written.
4. An original certifi ed copy of your identity document.
5. Copy of the admission requirements from the academic institution for the intended course of study if you have not already been accepted.
6. Copy of the curriculum (indicating the number of years of study, number of modules/subjects to be taken) from the academic institution for the intended course of study.
7. Printout from the academic institution of the tuition fees that will be required.
8. Income and expenditure statement of parent/legal guardian. (Proof of income must be provided) or a letter from the Department of Labour or an affi davit stating that the parent/s are unemployed.
9. Original certifi ed death certificate/s of parent/s, if deceased.
10. Letter of recommendation from Operation Sukuma Sakhe War-Room or Social Workers (Optional)

How To Apply

The application form should be submitted in a sealed envelope and should be marked “KwaDukuza External Bursary 2025” and be submitted to,

 The Municipal Manager: KwaDukuza Municipality, P.O Box 72, KwaDukuza, 4450 or hand- delivered to KwaDukuza Municipilty, Human Resource Offi ce at the OK Mall Building, First fl oor, corner of Hullet and Chief Albert Luthuli Street.