In what languages are the national benchmark tests available?

In what languages are the national benchmark tests available?

The NBTs are available in English and Afrikaans – the common languages of instruction used at Institutions of Higher Education in South Africa. When registering, you will be asked to indicate the language in which you wish to write.
Note that you can only choose one language; there is no option to write one test in English and the other in Afrikaans.
For students with disabilities, the AQL test has also been translated into Braille.
In what language should I write?

The NBTs are designed to assess readiness for tertiary study in the language of instruction where you plan to attend classes.
The institution to which you apply will have established and posted a language policy or language guidelines on its website. For example, UCT policy states that English is the language of instruction and assessment, while University of Free State and Stellenbosch University maintains a policy that the language of assessment is student preference.
Be aware that some institutions have different language policies at different campuses; certain programmes may even have their own unique language requirements. If you have any question about language requirements, contact the relevant faculty at the institution where you are applying to check the language of instruction before registering for the NBTs.
What if I am applying to two institutions with different language policies?

There are two very general guidelines we can offer. Either chose the language of the programme that is your first choice; or, use English as the default language. However, you are the only one who can make this final decision.
I am a foreign student. May I use an interpreter?

No. The NBTs are designed to assess your abilities and skills in the language of instruction; also, some programmes specifically require the AQL test as an assessment of proficiency in English.