Makana Municipality Finance Internship
Internship experience is like a stepping stone for any graduates who yearn to develop their skills to compete and win the position for their future career. Simply like the experience that you may obtain when joining Makana Municipality finance internship 2025-2026 & 2025. Qualified applicant who consider applying for finance internship should at least have these following; either matric certificate/grade 12, you also need to have a 3 year experience (recognized) for BCom degree for as follow majors or its related areas; asset management, auditing, risk management, economics, local government finance, and financial accounting.
Put the aforementioned requirements aside, there are still another skills and competencies you better posses if you yearn for becoming interns of Makana Municipality finance internship which require you to; have strong skill for computer, excellent interpersonal skill, bold communication skill, and your capability for dealing with under pressure work environment. Before you send your application to the official online, you need to download the application form for the internship to complete it afterward. Finish with all of the documents that are required and anything necessary for applying the internship, making sure you submit the application none later than its deadline date on February 12th 2025.
Download Application Form
As the chosen interns of Makana Municipality finance internship, you are not only have chance to explore theoretical and practical knowledge that related to the industry, but also you will be supported with stipend as much as R79 000. That being said, there are additional information for successful interns of finance internship at Makana Municipality, therefore you’ll know, the finance internship program is a 12 month training program where each applicant of the internship is obliged to join the program thoroughly from the start to the end. You need as well to sign contract between you and the official as the proof of your commitment toward the finance internship opportunity.