Media24 Bursay for Broadcasting and Journalism Majors

Media24 Bursay for Broadcasting and Journalism Majors

If you are a student and you want to get more experiences in your life, you better choose the best thing which will be good for your need. In this case, you can choose the best thing which will be attractive and advantageous for you to choose. When you are dealing with the study, you can choose the best things which will be suitable. One of them is the bursary program which is offered by the companies or institutions. Besides, there are also some individual parties who give the bursary for the college student for undergraduate or postgraduate. If you are looking for the best bursary program, the Media24 Bursary can be one of the best choices.
This Media24 Bursary is one of the bursaries which are designed for the postgraduate students. The bursary, again, is not the same thing with the scholarship. The difference can be seen in the aspect of the range for its coverage. In scholarship, the financial aid is just given to the students for the tuition fee. But, bursary will give the wider coverage. The bursary will give the coverage for tuition fee and also the things like books cost and also the accommodation, in the range of the cost which is determined by the universities and the bursary provider. Closing date 26 September 2024.
To apply, contact the universities below.
Rhodes University
Honours, PGDip in Journalism or BJourn
To apply go to
Contact person: Dawn Long at
If you are interested with this program, you can get the chance which will be very good for you. This is because the bursary is given for the journalism students. The students of journalism major can apply for this program by contacting the universities which are chosen, like the Stellenbosch University, North-West University: Potchefstroom Campus and Vaal Triangle Campus, the University of Witwatersrand and Rhodes University. This Media24 Bursary is a program which is conducted for two years period, making it to be really good for you to consider applying for this program.