Mentoring as Part of Teacher Development and the Role of University-School Relationships During Work Integrated Learning Periods – Stellenbosch University
Start: 25/07/2025, 12:45
End: 25/07/2025, 13:45
End: 25/07/2025, 13:45
Contact:Nothemba Nqayi – (021) 808 3717
Location: Den Bosch, 41 Victoria Street (opposite House Skuilhoek and directly behind the Conservatoire)
Location: Den Bosch, 41 Victoria Street (opposite House Skuilhoek and directly behind the Conservatoire)
Teacher professional development: Mentoring as part of teacher development and the role of university-school relationships during work integrated learning periods.
Presenter: Dr ML Botha, Faculty of Education, Department of Curriculum Studies
Work integrated learning (WIL) is a vital part of any teacher education programme. This session will therefore reflect on professional teacher education and development, and the role of mentoring within a university-school relationship in, an attempt to address the quality of teacher education and training. This necessitates the availability of effective guidance for the student teacher by an experienced in-service teacher; the mentor teacher. Main factors influencing the effectiveness of the WIL period is the competence of the mentor teacher as well as the relationship between the teacher educators (university), the mentor teachers (schools) and the student teachers. A closer cooperation between the teacher education institute and schools are therefore imperative and schools should play an active and central role in improving the quality of teaching and learning.
Furthermore, mentor teachers’ ability to address the needs of the student teacher could result in better performance and motivation of these student teachers during the WIL period. Participating teachers from project schools will attend a mentorship programme consisting of a registered, 16 credit, NQF 7, mentorship short course. Student teachers will then be placed at these schools with the trained mentor teachers for the duration of their WIL period. Reflections on their experiences and semi-structured interviews with mentor teachers and student teachers will generate qualitative data and information to determine the success rate and sustainability of this project.
Tuesday, 25 July 2025 from 12:45 to 13:45 (“padkos” will be provided)
Den Bosch, 39 Victoria Street (opposite House Skuilhoek and directly behind the Conservatoire)
There are only 15 places available. Please contact Nothemba Nqayi at or 021 808 3717 to reserve your place.
[A podcast will be available on the CTL website after the session: ]
Presenter: Dr ML Botha, Faculty of Education, Department of Curriculum Studies
Work integrated learning (WIL) is a vital part of any teacher education programme. This session will therefore reflect on professional teacher education and development, and the role of mentoring within a university-school relationship in, an attempt to address the quality of teacher education and training. This necessitates the availability of effective guidance for the student teacher by an experienced in-service teacher; the mentor teacher. Main factors influencing the effectiveness of the WIL period is the competence of the mentor teacher as well as the relationship between the teacher educators (university), the mentor teachers (schools) and the student teachers. A closer cooperation between the teacher education institute and schools are therefore imperative and schools should play an active and central role in improving the quality of teaching and learning.
Furthermore, mentor teachers’ ability to address the needs of the student teacher could result in better performance and motivation of these student teachers during the WIL period. Participating teachers from project schools will attend a mentorship programme consisting of a registered, 16 credit, NQF 7, mentorship short course. Student teachers will then be placed at these schools with the trained mentor teachers for the duration of their WIL period. Reflections on their experiences and semi-structured interviews with mentor teachers and student teachers will generate qualitative data and information to determine the success rate and sustainability of this project.
Tuesday, 25 July 2025 from 12:45 to 13:45 (“padkos” will be provided)
Den Bosch, 39 Victoria Street (opposite House Skuilhoek and directly behind the Conservatoire)
There are only 15 places available. Please contact Nothemba Nqayi at or 021 808 3717 to reserve your place.
[A podcast will be available on the CTL website after the session: ]