MQA Career Internship Program For Engineering And Related Sector

MQA Career Internship Program For Engineering And Related Sector

The MQA Internship Programme has main purpose to increase the number of graduates who have technical skill gained from professional training that is necessary after graduate and also qualifications that is required from any employees needed by professional corporate. In MQA career internship program, the skills that are prioritized and will become the main output is skill in the mineral and mining sector. These sectors have been proven as one from many strategic sectors, whose many of recent graduates look for as aimed career. Join The MQA Internship Programme and you will be many steps ahead from the other graduates who haunt to be one significant in these sectors. Prepare your documents and send it before the closing date at 31 March 2105 at 4 pm. If you are currently a young unemployed and historically disadvantaged South Africans and have fulfilled the criteria of degrees and diploma needed by MQA Sector Skills Plan, then you are highly encouraged to apply.
The targeted criteria skills of MQA career internship program includes Mining; Metallurgical; Mechanical; Industrial; Electro Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Mine Survey, Geology, Environmental Management, Analytical  Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing and Jewelry Design and Manufacturing. Costs of accommodations, medical cover, allowances, travel, training, insurance, unemployment insurance fund, personal protective clothing and others, will be covered R158 000 for each candidate per annum over the period of two year that is made.  If you shall need any more information regarding the criteria, documents and others, do not feel hesitate to visit directly the site and submit your questions.
Download the MQA 2025 career Internship Application Form (PDF)
Download MQA Agreement Form (Excel)
After completed the programme in MQA career internship, candidates will be required to be a part of employment in the sector related and work with the length of the contract is not less than the period of training. If the search for the employment can’t be made within six months of completion, candidates will be released from the programs.