MSc Computer Science

MSc Computer Science

Programme Information

The MSc degree is conferred on grounds of a dissertation and such additional postgraduate coursework as may be prescribed. A student is required to demonstrate, by means of a dissertation, the ability to plan, institute and execute a scientific investigation.
A student works under the guidance of a supervisor and is expected to identify and complete a research project. The research results are to be fully reported in an MSc dissertation.

Also consult G Regulations.

Admission Requirements

An appropriate BScHons or equivalent degree is required for admission. In addition to be considered for admission an average of 65% should have been obtained for the modules passed for the honours degree. The Dean, on the recommendation of the supervisor and the Head of Department, may approve additional requirements and conditions.

Promotion to next study year

If the supervisor affirms that a candidate has progressed satisfactorily, registration may be renewed for the second year (full-time) or for the second to fourth year (part-time). Re-registration thereafter will only take place if a written motivation from the candidate, supported by the Head of Department is submitted to the student administration offices.


Undergraduate applications and admissions:
Ms Jenny van Rooyen
012 4205166
Ms Samantha Adams
012 4202550
Undergraduate and Honours:
Ms E Willemse
012 4202724
School of Information Technology
Ms P Ngwenya
012 4204186
School for the Built Environment
Mr R Mashiloane
012 4203656
School of Engineering
Ms MPM Motlhamme
012 4205299
Ms L Rix
012 4206625
Mechanical Engineering
Ms N Potgieter
012 4202987
Industrial and Metallurgical Engineering
Ms TMM Motsei
012 4206520
Chemical and Mining Engineering
Mr MJ Makhasa
012 4202542
Civil Engineering
Mr K Nkanyana
012 4206735
Honours and Honours applications
Ms SL Mgiba
012 4205316
Masters and Doctoral:
School of Information Technology
Civil Engineering
Metallurgical Engineering
Ms Dawn Taljaard
012 4204095
Graduate School of Technology Management
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Mr Refentse Ramatong
012 4203011
Chemical Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Mechanical Enineering
Mining Engineering
Construction Economics
Town and Regional Planning
Ms Stefanie Steenberg
012 4205315