MUT Contact Details

MUT Contact Details

Enquiries 031 907 7111
Admissions Call Centre 031 819 9299
Student Accounts Officer 031 907 7339
Bursaries Officer 031 907 7462
NSFAS 031 907 7353
Schools Liaison Office 031 907 7353
Financial Aid Bureau 031 907 7106
Central Applications Office 086 086 0 226
Faculty of Engineering 031 907 7172
Faculty of Management Sciences 031 907 7452
Faculty of Natural Sciences 031 907 7678
Physical Address 511 Mangosuthu Highway, Umlazi, KwaZulu-Natal,4031  OR
511 Griffiths Mxenge Highway, Umlazi, KwaZulu-Natal,4031

click here for details.