About National Research Foundation

About National Research Foundation

The NRF was established through the National Research Foundation Act (Act No 23 of 1998), following a system-wide review conducted for the Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology (DACST). The new entity incorporated the functions of the research funding agencies that were previously servicing various sections of the research community, namely the former Centre for Science Development (CSD) of the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and the former Foundation for Research Development (FRD) that included several National Research Facilities.
As an entity of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), the NRF promotes and supports research through funding, human resource development and the provision of National Research Facilities in all fields of natural and social sciences, humanities and technology. The NRF provides services to the research community especially at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Science Councils, with a view to promote high-level human capital development. The NRF aims to uphold excellence in all its investments in knowledge, people and infrastructure.

In the NRF Strategy 2025, the organisation places renewed emphasis on its agency function and its role in influencing and implementing policy within the National System of Innovation (NSI).
The NRF plays an integration role across the science and technology system and has the ability to catalyse focused societally beneficial research and development in support of knowledge generation, human capacity development and innovation.
In order to realise our vison of catalysing knowledge production for societal benefit, we have identified five strategic outcomes that will lead to the attainment of our vision.
These outcomes are:

  1. Creating an internationally competitive, transformed and representative research system
  2. Establishing and maintaining leading-edge research and infrastructure platforms
  3. Growing the NRF into a reputable agency that will shape the science and technology system
  4. Pushing for science literacy and actively engaging with society
  5. Managing and improving on a committed and representative NRF research and technical workforce