What is NBT day like?

What is NBT day like?

What time do I have to be at the test centre?

Check-in at all sites in South Africa begins at 07:30. Door closes at 8:30, after which no one is allowed inside the test rooms. The AQL test is written in the morning and the MAT test is written in the afternoon.
No learner is allowed to come mid-day to write just the MAT test. If you are writing the MAT test, you must write it the same day as you write the AQL test.
What do I need to bring with me?

You must bring:

  • Your South African ID booklet or foreign passport or a birth certificate with an affidavit from the police including a recent photograph and a letter of application for your ID from Home Affairs.
  • Pencils and eraser
  • Water and lunch, if you are writing both AQL and MAT

Do not bring a calculator, ruler, dictionary or other learning aid. If you require special assistance such as a magnifier or other adaptive device, you must send a written request to nbt@uct.ac.za at least three weeks prior to the writing session. Special arrangements will be made for anyone with a disability.
Note that learners without an official ID will be turned away and not allowed to write (except when the following documentation is provided – a birth certificate with an affidavit from the police including a recent photograph and a letter of application for your ID from Home Affairs.)

How long are the tests?

The AQL test consists of seven sections. Each section is timed; some sections allow 25 minutes and some allow 30 minutes of writing time. The total writing time for the AQL is three hours and five minutes.
No one is allowed to leave once the AQL test begins. The MAT test is also timed, with three hours of writing time allowed.
How do I find my test room?

If you are unsure of where your test venue is, have a look here for a list of venues: http://dev.nbt.uct.ac.za/content/nbt-test-sites. If there isn’t enough information there, email nbt@uct.ac.za at least three days before the writing session and we will send you a directions and a map. An sms will also be sent to you a few days before your test date. It can be difficult to locate the test room on a university campus or a town that is new to you. Please allow sufficient time so that you arrive at 7:30 to check-in.
What are the tests like?

The NBTs are multiple choice tests. Answers are recorded on what is called a ‘bubble sheet’.  The answer sheets are scanned and then translated into scores using sophisticated computer programs.
What if I did not register? Can I still ‘pitch up’ and write the NBTs?

NBT test materials are sent to each site based on the number of registered and paid writers. The NBT Project is only responsible for providing seats and test materials for registered writers.
NBT test materials are prepared for each learner that is registered. Materials prepared for learners that do not show up cannot be used again and must be destroyed.
Learners that register but do not show up are still responsible for the cost of these materials and the officials hired to administer the writing
Learners intending to apply to universities must act responsibly. You must register, pay, and show up on time!