NBTs – What if i have a disability?

NBTs – What if i have a disability?

I am a student with disabilities. How do I apply for a special session?
The best way is to contact the Office for Student Disabilities at the institution where you intend to apply. That office will know what support is available at that campus, the support that can be offered to enable you to write the NBTs, and how to arrange a session with that support.
There is a form to request a special session that must be completed in order to make final arrangements for the setting that best mitigates your disability. Click here to download the form.
Note that testing is NOT available on weekends for students requiring any modification to the standard test setting, including additional time.
If you have been receiving services in your secondary school, you may also ask your school to request required support by sending an e-mail to nbt@uct.ac.za. Any modifications to the standardized testing process must be arranged and approved at least three weeks prior to the date when you wish to write.
Approval will require medical documentation indicating the nature of the disability and the appropriate type of support. Requests without medical documentation will not be processed.
Please note that not all test venues have handicap access with ramps or elevators. If you have a physical disability that only requires access assistance, you should also contact us three weeks in advance to ensure that the venue where you are scheduled to write is accessible.