NDPW Bursary Awards Ceremony 2025

NDPW Bursary Awards Ceremony 2025

NDPW Bursary Awards Ceremony
The Minister of Public Works, Mr Thulas Nxesi, MP, as part of the department’s annual schools programme, will award bursaries to 40 academically and financially deserving learners from the successful class of 2025.
The programme forms part of the department’s mandate to transform the built industry and invest in young people studying towards careers in the built industry. Each bursary is worth R130 000 and is designed to cater for learners from mostly rural, township and disadvantaged schools from various provinces. The bursaries are part of the built environment skills pipeline strategy adopted by the Department of Public Works, which is aimed at addressing the built environment skills shortages.
The learners will pursue careers in built or property studies specialising in Engineering, Quality Surveying, Property Valuation, Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Town Planning. They will pursue their studies at various recognised South African Universities around the country. Also, on the day, the Minister will officially hand-over the certificates of recognition to 32 young professionals and 24 Internal Audit Technicians who participated in the department’s Professionals Training programme.
The event will be hosted at the St. George Hotel, Irene, Pretoria on 13 January 2025.