Netcare – Maternity Nursing Care Programme

Netcare – Maternity Nursing Care Programme

Programme Duration Entry level qualification
In-service Certificate Programme in Maternity Nursing for Registered Nurses 6 months RN
In-service Certificate Programme in Maternity Nursing for Enrolled Nurses 6 months EN

Contribute to the magical moments of childbirth by acquiring the specialist knowledge and skills required to care for maternity patients.

  • The female reproductive system, including the menstrual cycle and fertilisation
  • Physiological changes during pregnancy
  • The physiology of labour and delivery
  • Foetal circulation and the changes that occur at birth
  • Normal pregnancy and delivery and potential complications
  • The role of underlying illnesses
  • Monitoring the process of labour, internal examinations and induction of labour
  • Delivery
  • Management and care of the newborn
  • Care of the placenta
  • Caesarean section, instrument deliveries and delivery complications
  • Examination of the newborn
  • Breastfeeding and/or supplementary and formula feeding
  • Post-natal care of mother and child.

Students also study the ethical, psychosocial and medico-legal aspects of obstetrics, and family planning, including contraception techniques, termination of pregnancy and HIV-related aspects