Netcare In-service training in HIV Clinical Management

Netcare In-service training in HIV Clinical Management

Programme Duration Entry level qualification
In-service training in HIV Clinical Management for Registered Nurses 3 days RN
In-service training in HIV Clinical Management for Enrolled Nurses 3 days EN

Become empowered with in-service training HIV Clinical Management in a clinical or home environment, by learning more about the diagnosis of HIV/AIDS, the typical signs and symptoms, as well as the pathology, physiology, treatment, medication and medico-legal aspects of caring for HIV/AIDS patients, plus dealing with death and dying.
Education content covers the following:

  • Self-knowledge and awareness; HIV/AIDS overview; philosophy; attitudes, values and prejudices; legal aspects
  • Contemporary issues around HIV/AIDS; viral replication; anti-retroviral therapy; cultural perceptions of HIV/AIDS; death and dying; the empathetic response
  • Living positively with AIDS; guidelines for healthcare workers; voluntary counselling and testing; basic counselling skills; resources for HIV/AIDS