NFVF Development Funding

NFVF Development Funding

The NFVF considers development as any work undertaken to put an idea or concept into writing with an intention of creating a script including research undertaken in a documentary, a short or a feature film whether fiction or real life. The NFVF also provides financial support to the development of television concepts that can be formatted, sold globally and licensed for remake rights or for syndication.
Who should apply? 

  • Independent production companies who hold exclusive rights or options for at least twelve (12) months
  • Writers attached to a project

What are the application requirements?
For all applicants:

  • Completed application form
  • A covering letter of motivation
  • Treatment Chain of Title and Proof of copyright in an instance where the work is not the original idea of the applicant and letters of commitment from public figures in documentaries
  • Writer’s Curriculum Vitae
  • Producer’s Curriculum Vitae
  • Development budget which contains the following line items: Script editors; Research; Copies; Producer fee (where appropriate) – this should not exceed 10% of the total budget; Overheads which should not exceed 5.5% of total budget excluding the Producer fee
  • Development Schedule
  • Writers narrative treatment
  • Target audience/distribution plan
  • Track record of production company where applicable
  • Company registration document to prove company ownership where applicable
  • Proof of South African identity

TV Format applicants also require:

  • Concept Outline (which contains unique feature of concept, universal dramatic theme, international adaptation potential, longevity of concept and legal protection or copyright)
  • Format development plan

Click on the link below to apply for Developemnt and TV Format funding.
Application for Development Funding
Application for TV Format Funding 
NFVF Funding Policy