NFVF Production Funding

NFVF Production Funding

One of the NFVF’s strategic objectives is to increase the number of South African films and previously disadvantaged individuals producing them.  Production funding is given for feature films, short films and documentaries. In addition, the NFVF has set aside a R1 million grant each year for the purchase of archive material for feature-length and hour-long documentaries.

Who should apply?

For Production Funding:

  • South African Production companies with relevant experience and a credible track record in producing content of broadcast quality

For Archive Funding:

  • South African-owned production companies that have produced at least three documentaries which have been broadcast on television or released theatrically in either one hour or feature length formats
  • New and emerging film-makers or writers who have a production company attached to the project

What are the application requirements?

For all applicants:

  • Completed application form
  • A covering letter of motivation
  • Proof of South African identity and tax clearance certificate
  • Proof of company ownership
  • Declaration of any vested interest or association with other film companies or projects that have submitted applications for funding to the NFVF
  • Letters of distribution intent from local and/or international distributors
  • Letters of support from any other stakeholders
  • Details of training and empowerment components in the three phases of production: pre-production, production & post-production
  • Proof of copyright clearance

Production applicants also require:

  • A script that is ready to go into production
  • Relevance to a South African audience
  • In the case of co-productions, compliance with treaty requirements

Documentary applicants also require:

  • Research Report
  • Outline
  • Documentary script
  • Artwork for marketing purposes

Archive applicants also require:

  • Letters of support from any other financiers
  • Proof of copyright clearance
  • A list of the archival records you wish to use
  • Archive budget accompanied by quotations from the archive source

Fiction applicants also require:

  • A detailed budget
  • A finance plan
  • A detailed shooting schedule
  • A marketing plan
  • Proof of chain of title

Click on the link below to apply for Developement funding.
Application for Production Funding
Application for Archive Material
NFVF Funding Policy