NRF Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024

NRF Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024

In allocating funds for Postdoctoral Fellowships at South African public researchinstitutions, priority will be given to Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) disciplines.
NRF Freestanding, Innovation And Scarce Skills Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024
The National Research Foundation (NRF) in partnership with the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) are pleased to announce the call for fellowship applications for 2024 in the following categories:

  • DST- NRF- Freestanding Postdoctoral Fellowships;
  • DST- NRF- Innovation Postdoctoral Fellowships; and
  • DST- NRF- DHET – Scarce Skills Development Fund: Postdoctoral Fellowships

Application Requirements

  • Applicants should apply to undertake postdoctoral research (i) on a research project that is different from the Doctoral research; (ii) located in a different department from that where the Doctoral training was undertaken; or (iii) at a different institution to that where the previous study was undertaken, as fellowships will preferably be awarded to individuals that will be expanding their research training on a new project and/or institution;
  • Special consideration will be given to applicants who are applying for a first NRF Postdoctoral research placement where the individual’s research training and Page 9 of 15 outputs may be enhanced by continuing with Postdoctoral research at the same institution; department; or under the same mentor. In such instances, the applicant must provide a strong motivation describing the benefits to the applicant and for advancing research and innovation. Failure to provide a motivation will result in a rejection without review;
  • Applicants must attach certified copies of their Identity Document or passport as well as proof of their Masters and Doctoral qualification to their application. For those who are still in the process of completing their doctoral degree, a letter of confirmation from their current institution, stating that their Doctoral qualification will be completed by December 2024 must be attached to the application;
  • Requested information that is not included in the appropriate section of the online application form, but is submitted as an attachment instead, will render the application incomplete resulting in a rejection without review.

The application deadline for applicants is Friday, 11 May 2024.
Applicants must apply on the NRF Online Submission System at:
For more information pertaining to this Call, please refer to the attached Framework and Application and Funding Guide.
Institutions must set their own internal closing dates, so as to enable internal validation by institutional DAs prior to submission to the NRF.
The DA will submit a maximum of twenty (20) applications from all the Postdoctoral applications received at the university or research institution.
CLICK HERE FOR FULL: Framework NRF Freestanding, Innovation and Scarce Skills Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024