Nurse Training Bursaries in 2025 & 2025

Nurse Training Bursaries in 2025 & 2025


To sign an agreement with the Department of Health to serve a year for every year spent in training
♠ To attend lectures to absorb essential information
♠ To gain invaluable experience by working shifts, including public holidays, Weekends and nights
♠ To work in hospitals and clinics in the following disciplines: General, psychiatric, community and Midwifery.


Administrative Requirements for Paediatric Post Basic Nurse Training Bursaries, 2025, 2025 & 2025 .
You are requested to please take careful note of the following NMCH administrative requirements.
You must able to confirm that you meet all these administrative requirements:
You are a South African citizen;
You are registered with the South African Nursing Council (SANC)

You are in possession of a National Senior Certificate or Matric certificate;
You are in possession of a Diploma or Degree in Nursing Science from a recognised tertiary institution or college;

You have at least one or more years work experience in the department of the specialization you wish to practice; You have the required supporting documents to show should you be shortlisted


♠ Problem solving ability
♠ Patience
♠ Love of People
♠ Organisational Ability
♠ Leadership Ability
♠ Flexibility
♠ A sense of humour
♠ Calmness during a crisis
♠ Communication, numeracy and life skills
♠ Computer literacy
♠ Study skills
♠ Honesty
♠ Compassionate and caring individuals who are prepared and willing to work night duty, weekends and public holidays are invited to apply for a limited Student Nurse posts.
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